Knock Knock - Free Write - prompt "Bronze Door Knocker"

in Freewriterslast year (edited)


The girls went out every Thursday evening around the same time. The room would be in a state. To the untrained eye, a burglary had surely happened. The place looked ransacked. There was a certain irony in the perfection of the makeup and the hair to present to the world that night against the mess they left in the room where they got ready. The air was still speckled with the floral notes of the perfumes, lotions and potions, as the young boy entered the room, clearly disobeying the sign stating no boys allowed.

He had a look around to see if there was anything he might take, but alas there was nothing to draw this ten year old's eye. As he turned to leave the room he spotted something shimmering in the evening sunlight. A tube - he snatched it and ran to his treehouse. He then started applying the cream from the tube to his skin to see what would happen. It seemed to make his skin a little darker, so he covered himself from head to toe.

He soon tired of the experiment with the tube and threw it aside. He decided he would go knick knocking to ease his boredom and thus the "Bronze Door Knocker" came into existence. He could not even hide very well, such was the glow!

Edit: = Knick knocking = ding dong ditch for my American and Canadian friends!

Free Writes

It's been 21 days and that's too long, so here I am, back with a Freewrite.

So, do you know about Free writes? When I first arrived on Hive or the previous chain, I would often struggle for ideas on what to write about, and there were two writing initiatives that really helped - one was called #fiftywords where you could use only fifty words to tell a story about a prompt word and the other was #freewrite which basically sets a challenge of writing a mini story within 5 minutes. I regularly took part in both, and people like @mariannewest and and loads of other brilliant people, so every now and then I see a post from @mariannewest and think to myself, go and do a freewrite.

Maybe you've never heard of the freewrites yourself, and if that is the case, I'd encourage you to have a go, read about todays prompt and how to enter below and above all else mind yourself and have a great day - smile, rub a dog, help a stranger and just be a nice human.

Here is today's prompt post:

The photo used is not my own and was sourced on and link is below

Thanks a million for stopping by

Peace out.

Ablaze (3).jpg


Very novel use of the prompt m'dear though we used to call it playing knick-knack as opposed to knick-knock.

Ya there's loads of names for it, herself used to call Knocky nine doors!

Knick knack paddy whack, give the dog a bone haha

This is a cool little story man, the bronze door knocker sounds like a potential villian.

I've done a few free writes, but I haven't used the clock that deletes the words if you stop typing. I don't think it would get deleted, but knowing me I'd get right to the end and have everything wiped.


This is a cool little story man, the bronze door knocker sounds like a potential villian

Ha ha, ya.. or a band name... Introducing The Bronze Door Knockers

I just set a timer, don't use that app. Sometimes I go over time a little if I haven't finished where Wanted to inside 5 minutes.

Do you know you could have used the #diy tag for this post to get some extra eyeballs on and possibly earn some BUIDL tokens as well.

Check out this post for more information about BUIDL tokens.