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RE: See it in your closed eyes.

in Freewriters • last year

That's high compliment, coming from you!! 😅

Ahh I've also pondered about the AI generated arts and written pieces to be honest. While you are right about how AI's are learning from humans, I still think that we will need humans to produce work filled with real emotions.

To me, the best creations, whether be it art or words, are backed by what we feel. While AI's will be able to replicate our writing styles, the plots, the characters, the one thing they wont be able to do is this creation of emotion. Us humans are separated from the other creatures of this planet due to this complexity of our mind and how we feel. And you can only do so much when you don't feel it, do you get it? So yeah, while AI might try and take over the whole art and creation business, we will still need our artists, our writers. Because there will always be somethings that are impossible to write, unless you experienced it yourself, firsthand.

And yeah, I've been borderline obsessed over a character recently. It's from a Korean Drama, of all things! XD

While I don’t really like the general dramas this particular industry makes due to its story dragging tendencies, this one really surprised me. It's called Beyond Evil. If you enjoy thriller, I think this might be something worth watching for you. The director and screenplay writer really managed to pull out a gem in just sixteen episodes, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. It won’t bore you one bit. And if you happen to like messed up characters with a complex mind, I think you might be obsessed with the lead male, Le Dong-Sik, just as much as I am!


I think AI is going to get pretty close to mimicking human emotion. Does it have it planned anyway? I fed it the prompt 'write a 300 word short story about how AI learns human emotion, style of asimov', and it wrote this short story about an AI robot called Sympati-1 (a play on sympathy?) who could empathise with humans and felt for the human race. What the? I stupidly deleted it but it kinda blew my mind.

I asked it to continue from a story I wrote the other day - not sure if you read it - after feeding it half of what I'd written

But it doesn't. Another video starts to play, and Rey can't help but feel a deep sense of sadness and loss as he watches these creatures, once so alive and vibrant, now reduced to nothing more than a digital representation on a screen. He begins to question the world he lives in, and wonders if there is more to life than earning credits and numbing oneself to the pain of a ruined world. The room feels suffocating and the cold metal chair digs into Rey's skin, adding to his discomfort. The repetitive robotic voice of the questioner grates on his nerves, making him feel trapped and oppressed. As the task comes to an end, Rey makes a decision - he will not do this again. There has to be a better way to live. He stands up, feeling a sense of determination and longing for something more. He yearns for a life filled with meaning and purpose, not just numbly going through the motions. He won't be a victim of this ruined world, he will fight for something better.

I haven't watched that Korean drama but I love their sci fi and horror, and they have SUCH a brilliant sense of humour. I just watched Jung-E last night which was okay. Korean TV is a new thign for me and I lvoe what I see so far, so I'll try to catch that one too - thanks for the recommendation!

Damn, I would've loved to read what the AI came up with regarding that story you told it to write. I have yet to experiment with AI, but now I feel like I should give it a try.

And yea, i did read your story. It was both fascinating and the way you portrayed the agony was something else. What the AI wrote in line with your story is also impressive, but you can see clearly how it lacks your personal touch. As a writer, I am sure when you look at it, you can already see a thousand of ways to improve and elaborate the passage it wrote above to make it your own. But what it came up with is still mind-blowing. If AI learns to copy human emotions and specific writing styles to the T, then it will be really interesting to watch.

Even I am new with Korean TV myself. I started a year ago with squid games, and then slowly moved forward with a handful of other series and movies. I had Jung-E in my watchlist, as it has been spinning on my recommendations panel in Netflix. If you do give Beyond Evil a try, do let me know. I love talking at length about character complexities and plots! I'd love to hear what you thought of it.

I loved Squid Games and We Are All Going To Die (I love zombies you see. Wierd and unsophisticated I know, but true). Will definitely watch your recommendation! Currently watching Happy Valley..

I think the AI fiction is a bit of a sledgehammer at the moment, lacking subtlety, but it isn't too bad. I think you should try as it's so fascinating!