Freewrite Writing Prompt - miserable looking kitten (esp/eng)

in Freewriters2 months ago



Cuando murió Patricia reencarnó en una pequeña gatita que fue abandonada por su madre. Siendo tan pequeña buscaba su propia comida, cazaba insectos, lagartijas y pequeños roedores para alimentarse.

Cuando era humana fue una persona de apariencia agradable, todos los hombres la deseaban y ella se aprovechaba de su belleza, era una mala persona, porque siempre vivía humillando a todos por que no tenían recursos económicos. Ahora la vida le había virado las cosas, ya que era una gatita poco agraciada y que todas las personas a las que se le acercaban, la golpeaban y botaban de sus casas.

A veces tenia mucha hambre y no sabia como sobrevivir, siempre tuvo ayuda de todos y verse en esa posición la hacia sentirse miserable. Una noche de mucho frio y nieve, la gatita murió congelada. Pero de repente despertó Patricia.

Todo había sido un sueño, pero esto le hizo sentirse la persona mas afortunada de la tierra, por los que decidió cambiar su estilo de vida. Poco a poco fue transformándose en una persona mas amable y ayudaba a los necesitados que mueren de hambre en las calles. Así poco a poco la gente comenzó a quererla y murió luego de tener una linda y tranquila vida.


When Patricia died, she was reincarnated as a little kitten that was abandoned by her mother. Being so small she looked for her own food, hunting insects, lizards and small rodents to feed herself.

When she was human she was a person with a pleasant appearance, all men desired her and she took advantage of her beauty, she was a bad person, because she always humiliated everyone because they did not have economic resources. Now life had turned things around for her, since she was an unattractive kitten and all the people who approached her hit her and threw her out of their homes.

Sometimes she was very hungry and didn't know how to survive, she always had help from everyone and seeing herself in that position made her feel miserable. One very cold and snowy night, the kitten froze to death. But suddenly Patricia woke up.

It had all been a dream, but this made him feel like the luckiest person on earth, so he decided to change his lifestyle. Little by little he transformed into a kinder person and helped the needy who were dying of hunger in the streets. So little by little people began to love her and she died after having a nice and quiet life.


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I found this activity in the @daily.prompt post. If you want to join this activity, attached link.
