A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words A teenager's dilemma

in Freewriters2 years ago

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In this part of the country where I reside, banana peels are known to be an omen for stumbling people or causing their downfall, the poem below further analyzes the fact.

She groaned, wept and mourned
With her luggages on her head
She wondered if to go left or right
The heavy downpour showed no mercy

Yes the bump is now visible
It could be spotted clearly from a distance
"Family has rejected me" she lamented
Too late to make amends

This one failed
Yes, it has failed
A stubborn creature inside her
Too stubborn to be flushed just like the others
Nothing could be done

Life shattered
Dreams terminated
Who will she turn to?
Rhetorical question indeed

Her counterparts denied her
He denied it and even swore on his father's grave
To end her and the foetus
If she dared show up again

A journey to motherhood
Single motherhood to be specific
How will we survive
Hope the world doesn't turn against me, she prayed

A journey to motherhood
At sixteen
I've stepped on the peel
A banana peel, and I've slipped to a great fall

Hey @ogwo, @chimeroselam, @chichieze how about you check this out and join me in this contest, will be fun getting to read yours

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Nice prom and post by you @pearlie124,I really enjoyed reading through this awesome post.

Indeed, banana is broadly known in my country as a stuff that makes people fall and stumble like hell.

I will be dropping my entry soon.

As in ehhhh
I can remember when I stumbled on banana peel with a jar full of water on my head, the bucket got broken and I sustained some minor injuries

I no go ever forgive banana peel🤣

Chaii,am really sorry for that.

Next time you need to be more careful.

Yeah, that's true
I dey look ground very well ehhhhnnnnn so I won't fall a victim again o

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Your picture illustration fits the poem you gave . It shows that one needs to be very careful when making friends a when walking with a friend. That thing that is sweet can cuase serious disaster.

Exactly, when you fall into the trap
Everyone will reject you and become frustrated.....this is one core reason why teenage suicides increases on a daily basis

You are right, if only they will come to hive to learn daily.

Your poem sounds so interesting at the same time is a word of advice to us to always be careful in life.

It's a good thing for someone to be good at writing and understanding poems but for me I don't understand anything and I will really love to learn.

A very sad experience to many teenagers today who have slipped and come crashing to the ground. But then, learning from the experience of others is the best. Avoiding this kind of unwanted pregnancy and single motherhood is the best @pearlie123

A well illustrated poem with a moral. Growing up to become a responsible teenager is a struggle in this morally decayed world. Teenage pregnant is just one of the many disasters that befall most teenagers. Your poem is enlightening.

Teenage pregnancy has being on the increase at an alarming rate

I'll be going to visit my agemate and her newborn baby later in the day, she stepped on the banana peel

I stepped on that peel it's as if I read my story.

Btw I made it so did my kid. We are better off without such a family.

Thanks for joining pic1000👍

Greetings @wakeupkitty