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RE: Safety Last But Not Least, a freewrite poem

in Freewriters5 months ago

Great work my friend, everyone seems to be awaiting an awakening without realising that the change they seek resides in the eternal moment. Like the quest for the holy grail - as soon as you search for it, you've forgotten that you already have it.


Perceptual Flaws! Hello there! How nice to see you her

Thankyou my friend - hope you've been keeping well. :)

haha I've been told that I am "aging well." I wasn't sure whether to feel complimented or insulted. I went with complimented.

I hope the same for you. You've been quiet on the fronts I encounter you.

Like a fine wine? :D

All good here thankyou, I've just taken some time away from all the drama of social media. lol Enjoying time in nature and taking a chilled approach to life. I've continued writing as and when I feel like it, and I've been working on a book. Debating whether to jump back into the fray and share a few edited chapters - alongside loads of posts I've written but never shared..

like a piece of meat.

Glad to hear you are still producing, whether or not I get to read your writings. Although I wouldn't mind!

Enjoying time in nature and taking a chilled approach to life.

I suspect this is an important and impactful as jumping into the fray, perhaps even more.

Good for you, enjoying time in nature, and writing a book!
I'm reading one now via NetGalley - The Understory

It was this line that reeled me in:

"Walk in the woods with me."

That's the invitation to readers -
I'm trying not to be overly critical and judgmental but the author grates on me even though her book is praised as "Part Wendell Berry, Eugene Peterson, and Madeleine L’Engle".

Wilbert shares her story of alienation and disorientation after years of religious and political unrest .... she looks to an unlikely place—the forest—to learn how to live and even thrive when everything seems to be falling apart. What can we learn from eroding soil, the decomposition process, the time it takes to grow lichen, the beauty of fiddlehead ferns, the regeneration of self-sowing seeds, and walking through the mud?
.... Her tenderness and honesty will help readers grieve, remember, hope, and press on with resilience.

Walk with me ....

Those are some of my favorite words as I begin my own daily hike through the meadow and the woods. I call upon spirits of lost loved ones -- not just my dad and three sisters, but the loved ones my friends have lost. Niko and Bruni, walk with me... Grandma and Grandpa, join me as I commune with nature and seek to connect with The Great Something, the tie that binds....

@perceptualflaws I'd be happy to beta-read anything you care to share.

I'm a backslider of a writer.

It's gone beyond "I write but do not share" -
I simply DO NOT WRITE -
only in fragments here and there,
too much for anyone to piece together into a journal.
I quit.
I just quit.
Let me just disappear into the Great Beyond and mingle with others.

Yeah, ok, I need to keep working - every day is a ceaseless game of Wack-a-Mole as I knock down all the awful pop-ups telling me to go silent and retreat from the world. Hey, I'm here - baby steps!!

So, about this book you're writing... KEEP WRITING... and please do share.