Lucid Dream Master #2 Lucid Dream Training - Fiction

in Freewriters2 months ago (edited)

Episode 2 Lucid Dream Training

Minho had a dream last night. But he didn't see any lotto numbers. It wasn't the dream he wanted, it was something else entirely. It was vague and unclear.

Minho headed to the school library. He looked up sleep.

Our sleep consists of non-REM sleep and REM sleep, and in normal sleep, non-REM sleep and REM sleep alternate about four to five times every 90 minutes.
Non-REM sleep is 75 to 80 percent of the time, with stages 1 being nap, stage 2 being real sleep, and stage 3 being deep sleep.

It"s a physically recharging sleep that releases growth hormone and allows both the brain and body to rest. It relieves fatigue and resets the body by processing fatigue and waste. It's important to sleep well because it creates energy for tomorrow.

REM sleep accounts for 20 to 25% of our sleep and is called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) because it"s the sleep in which our eyes move rapidly while we sleep. It's the sleep that relieves mental fatigue. REM sleep increases as the cycle repeats and is more likely to occur in the early morning hours.

I went online, joined a lucid dreaming community, and searched for lucid dreaming.

He read that some people succeeded by imagining what they wanted to dream about before going to sleep.

Minho had once had a lucid dream. He dreamed that he was driving a car, but when he wanted to open his eyes, he couldn't see, so he thought he was dreaming.

He realized that he was dreaming and thought he had to stop the car no matter what, so he slammed on the brakes.

Minho searched the literature.

A 2012 paper showed that the brains of lucid dreamers had increased activity in the prefrontal lobe, a region of the brain responsible for metacognition and higher-order thinking, and the precentral gyrus, a region of the brain responsible for self-consciousness. When you have an unrealistic experience in a dream, you don't realize it because the parts of your brain that judge or evaluate are not active, but when they are active, you realize you're in a dream.

The frontal pole of lucid dreamers was thicker than average and had more blood flow.
In 2013, Ursula Voss and colleagues activated the frontal region of the brain with electrical stimulation at 25 Hz and 40 Hz. He also succeeded in artificially having lucid dreams.

'It's dangerous to stimulate the front of the brain,' Minho thought.

He looked up lucid dream training again.

The first is to imagine the dream you want to have before you go to sleep and visualize yourself being aware of it.

The second is to regularly ask yourself if you're dreaming or not, and repeat the exercise while you're awake.

The more foreign it feels, the more likely you are to recognize the dream.

The third is to keep a dream journal.

Minho decided to try the lucid dream training method for a while.

He also combined it with exercise. This is because exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which helps prevent cognitive decline, and increases the size of the prefrontal cortex, which improves executive control, memory, and critical thinking.

I installed a mobile gaming app that trains and strengthens the prefrontal area.


Minho started keeping a dream journal. There were days when he didn't dream, and many days when his dreams were not very vivid.

During his breaks, he played mobile games to strengthen his prefrontal lobe and exercised to strengthen his prefrontal lobe.

Minho's prefrontal cortex was gradually increasing in size.

As a result of his persistent efforts, he sometimes succeeded in having the dreams he wanted.

He also habitually checked in his dreams to see if they were dreams or reality, and became aware of them.

When I had my first Lucid Dream, I felt a sense of accomplishment.

I thought, "I can have Lucid dreams now."

However, my willpower to consciously change my dreams was still weak. I think I need more training.

'Just because I succeeded once doesn't mean I'm a Lucid Dreamer'


Jisoo, his childhood classmate, hasn't seen him since elementary school. Rumor had it that she had moved away.

Today, he hoped to see her in his dreams.

He kept a dream diary and went to sleep.

In my dream, Jisoo appeared. He looked just like he did in elementary school.

"Minho, good to see you."

Jisoo walked over and said hello.

"Uh, nice to meet you."

"Minho, I liked you too."

Minho woke up thinking that Jisoo liked me too.

"Maybe I should be more courageous," he thought.

Thank you for reading my post. 😍

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