Audience of One

in Freewriterslast month (edited)

It turns out I am the one, that open-minded person or is it just a trick and a way to figure out when I say: Stop it!


I noticed I received 19 emails from the same person. At first, I thought something serious happened but no a story filled my inbox. One that seems to be without an end since by now there are 32 emails and I can tell you I read the first 19 and wasn't impressed. I will ignore the fact a speller check changed some words but I can't ignore the rest.
I am not sure yet what I'll write back and which hat I will put on. The one of a reader, a mother, a woman, an editor (no), a writer or ... I have to think about it and perhaps I 'read' the rest of the miserable story tomorrow. For sure it won't get any better but I need some time to digest what is written and wake someone up.
It can be the story is just a wild dream, a fantasy since it is far from realistic at least not if it comes to the 'fun described. It's all a one-man (two-man) show without deeper feelings or liking someone.
I am not sure who will read this story except for me (You got me I skipped parts since it was boring and basically the same unrealistic nonsense but it is proof of how blind some are for what is going on and just write without searching for how it works).
The average woman will not like this story and the average man hardly reads. Perhaps a cheap filmmaker is interested in making a film of it, a cheap porn with an audience of one.
I'll suggest it to the author plus tell him his daughter can play the role. Let's see what his answer will be.

Prompt or see @daily.prompt


Picture: source