
Thank you wwwiebe, I love getting your comments so we're even.

If we peel back the layers of any person on this planet we would find, basically, the same thing, physically and emotionally I suppose it could be said. Are we all looking for quality of life, happiness, contentment, thrill, pleasure, engagement...I could go on and on. The answer is yes I think, each in our own ways. The people in this story are just two more people doing the same, and both found it.

Shadows fall across our lives, darkness creeps in, it's unavoidable. But there's light also and it's about both I write here and both I've experienced in my life, which makes it easier to write about, and more difficult.

Enough said I guess. Thank you once more for coming by, you make me feel welcome, a valid member of the community, when you stop in and comment. I appreciate it.

Becca 🌷

I like to leave comments on work that I enjoy, to let people know it's worth more than just a 'like,' so to speak. It's the best way to get to learn about people and know them, particularly the fun ones.