If only the nostalgia were not so noticeable,
that in the depths of the soul is entangled and clings,
like a faint shadow that dances in the breeze,
like a whisper that never closes.
Would that the cry of loneliness were silenced,
that the dull echo would not cross the seas,
nor flash in the nights so long,
Where silence opened its dark altars.
So that no one would suffer my sorrows,
so that pain would not become a companion,
nor the empty, aimless, unrestrained tear,
would mark on faces the traces of steel.
If only the memories would fall asleep,
like stars that shine on distant nights,
that the soul would lighten its sorrows,
and laughter blossom into human mornings.
I liked your use of metaphors - 'a faint shadow that dances in the breeze' and ' stars that shine on distant nights,' stood out to me. It's the way they reinforce the idea of movement and life among all that sorrow that appealed to me. Very deep.