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RE: Breakfast At Owasco's

Three and five are very amusing.

I just checked my emoji stock to leave something appropriate at the end of that sentence, but I couldn’t find one that seemed right.

I think number two is very beautiful. I can just picture frost crystals on the end of tiny hairs catching the sun and reflecting beautifully.

Tiny poems are fun. I hope you keep writing them.

As @dbooster said, Yeah, another convert.


I'm a short poem, including haiku, writer from way back. I almost had three published. The three had been accepted to a publication of short poems, called Hummingbird, but the publisher/editor died before they saw print. That's as close as I ever got to being published.

I gotta dust off some older works. A lot of them were posted on steem/hive back in my early days on the chains, before I understood NO ONE would be reading them back then, no matter how good there were. It's cool that this community allows us to repost stuff.

The first haiku I posted went something like this:

in the beginning
I published my best poems
and no one noticed

Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I think your tiny poems have jump started my poem writing urges. It's been a while.

Wow! That’s quite the story. You could turn that into a dark humor poem about all the rejection letters that writers supposedly get and how yours trumps the all—the rejection letter from God/the Creator/the universe, or something like that.

I like the haiku you shared, and actually I wrote one last week with pretty much the same last line. I posted it on Threads a few days ago.

Today I shaved and
removed the beard from my face
but no one noticed.

Keep the flow going. 😉

this morning my dog
went berserk at a passing deer
and everyone noticed

That one makes me laugh.🤣

After two poems about nobody noticing, to flip the conversation on its head with the line and everyone noticed, and that being something I’ve experienced and can totally relate to; that’s perfect.

I used to have a wild Border Collie that went crazy over deer.

Mine is an Australian Shepherd. She's not well at the moment, but when a deer goes by, you can't tell. She goes bonkers! Then she has to rest for a few hours.