Sorrow - Unwanted Companion that takes its toll

in Blockchain Poets8 months ago

Reading through the week's contest and seeing the obvious showcase of "sorrow" in its fullness of meaning, I cannot help but remember the recent event of my uncle's death in June, during the unfortunate period of my examinations.
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Leaving home for graduate studies in a foreign land (Egypt) is never easy! The loneliness that comes with it and the stress of integrating into a new environment with several differences from where you come from (Nigeria, in my case!).

My uncle and my family, in general, have always been my source of strength and motivation. Being far from them for over a year now has been the most difficult part of my study.
Though there were several challenges, the most difficult of them all was losing my uncle during the last semester's examination!

I needed a companion, a person to confide in, to pour my heart out and hear him/her say, "It will be all fine." I hoped God would send a companion, but I saw none. Then I realized that, though unwanted, it was always available during periods like this: Sorrow! I then embraced my guess as I reflected.

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Here's my Poem!

In the depths of darkness, where shadows dwell,
A somber tale of sorrow I shall tell.

For in this realm, where pain and anguish reign,
A poet's words shall dance, their truth remain.
Sorrow, a companion of the weary soul,
An unwelcome guest that takes its toll.
It wraps its tendrils around the heart,
Leaving behind a trail of shattered art.

In tear-stained nights and melancholy dreams,
Sorrow weaves its tapestry, or so it seems.
Yet, within its grasp, a sliver of light,
A glimmer of hope, burning ever bright.

For sorrow, though heavy, can teach us well,
To cherish the joys that in our lives dwell.
It carves the depths of empathy within,
Opening our hearts to the world's chagrin.

Through sorrow's veil, compassion is born,
A gentle reminder of why we were sworn,
To love, to heal, to mend the broken,
To find solace in words left unspoken.

So, let us embrace sorrow's bitter embrace,
And seek the lessons hidden in its grace.
For when we emerge from its depths profound,
We find strength and resilience unbound.

And as the poet's ink spills onto the page,
The beauty of sorrow shall never fade.
For it is through our pain, we learn to grow,
And sow the seeds of empathy we sow.

So, let our tears flow freely, unconfined,
For sorrow, though heavy, brings solace to the mind.
And from its depths, may we rise anew,
With hearts healed, and compassion ever true.

The End.


This is very beautiful! You've really gotten to the mixed feelings, the odd joys we can feel, when we lose someone. For me, although I feel sorrow when I remember, I also feel the love again, their presence again. This is really good.

I'm so sorry about your uncle. How did you do on your exams?

Thanks so much for the care! And I must agree that sorrow is a two-sided coin; however, it's never desired.

Concerning the exam, I would say that I was a little bit lucky, as I had only a course remaining before the unfortunate incident. So I had to encourage myself to do the needful. However, it still reflected in the result, as it was the lowest compared to other courses.

The tears has to flow freely.
So sorry about your uncle.

Nice poem.

I'm glad you like it. Thanks

You are welcome dear

I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one, especially when you're far away from home, can be incredibly difficult. It's clear that your uncle meant a lot to you and his passing has left a deep impact.

Your poem is a beautiful tribute to him and a testament to your strength. It's amazing how you've managed to channel your sorrow into such a powerful piece of writing.

Thank you so much for your kind words. You are right; he was more like a father to me. Nonetheless, I thank God for everything, as I believe he is at peace and in a better place.

Thanks for coming around.

You're very welcome. It's clear your uncle left a significant impact on your life, and his memory will live on through you. It's wonderful to hear that you find comfort in knowing he's at peace now.

Take care. 😊