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RE: The Vortex

First off great to see you! I love when old friends I haven't seen in literal years stop by and say hi. Granted, I took the hiatus but you know what I mean.

As for the poem....We are very close friends but our relationship is growing like flowers in the morning dew on my side. I'm not sure what's happening on her side as she is 5 hours away but we do spend noon to basically midnight together daily. Figuring out what we have in common more deeply, trading history, music and so on. Hell, I disappeared here for 10 days and didn't realize it was more than 3 to be honest, lol.

So for me, you've hit the nail on the head but I'm not sure from her side. The more we find in common the closer we will grow. I'm sure once I express myself, I'll be granted good results.


Thanks @erodedthoughts

It's nice to see you as well, always good to have a bit of a comment chin-wag with someone who remembers the days when it was kinda standard to have a full read of each other's posts and give genuine feedback.

I wrote a 2600-word post the other day about the misconceptions around chronic illnesses, and someone wrote a 1 sentence comment that seemed to make no sense given the context of the post.

Anyway, moving swiftly on from the negative (us Brits have it in our blood to have a moan I think 😂).

Back to the poem, hmnnn well it could be those initial impressions I had were right, sometimes a close friendship can evolve/blossom into love. But I'm getting much too mushy for a big ole bloke here...

grrr football, going the gym, watching ultimate fighting, drinking pints of brown booze...


ahhh there we go, I feel I've got my street/Hive-Cred back as a dude 🤣

I'm living in a dream world, I never had any hive/street-cred to begin with 😉 I use too many emojis to be one of the cool kids.

So for me, you've hit the nail on the head but I'm not sure from her side. The more we find in common the closer we will grow. I'm sure once I express myself, I'll be granted good results.

But in all seriousness, it is a sign of a good poem, written well, if the reader understands even close to what the poet was trying to express on the first read! It is the nature of poetry, all those pesky similes and metaphors etc that it's hard to simply encapsulate what you're feeling in poetry, but I guess that is part of the skill of poetry. This one was clear to me pretty much right away as that 'vortex' before a (potential) relationship or romance.

All the best. I hope you're well and thriving erodedthoughts 👍