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RE: "Every time I meet myself, I meet you" (Original Poem)

I think many persons could relie with your experience - feelings that are kept even if the other is not physically present. I like the positive stance of your poem and the idea that connecting with other is in fact a connection with ourself.


Really, is it relatable? People who live around me think that it is crazy and dreamy and fantasy-like. I am thought of to be dumb and dreamy to hold on to such emotions. I am happy that you appreciated.

Of course it is good to live ''here and now'', but these things also happen. The idea is not to stay so much into it and no longer connect with the reality...or not leaving space to a new live/ interesting people who might come your way...I guess we sometimes need some time to heal the wounds..or we have to also look more inside...and thinking like...what makes me hold on into this? So, the idea is to understand what is really happening there. These are my thoughts at least...:)

It is very important to understand what is really happening, I agree with you. A very wise thought.