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RE: New draft Layout + more new features and fixes

in About PeakD4 years ago

Hi, I have a question, not sure who to ask but hoping you have an answer. Today I created a post using PeakD. After I published, it didn't appear on my Hive profile. After fucking around for a while looking for it and trying to understand what happened, I said screw it and logged into steemit to make the post there. When i logged in I saw that my post was actually published to my steemit account. I don't understand how it was published to steemit when I was in my Hive account on PeakD? I'm so confused and am wondering if you know what happened there and how to avoid it in the future. I also couldn't comment on other posts while in PeakD. I ended up logging out of PeakD and posted using the Hive blog. That worked which was also surprising considering pictures almost never upload for me in Hive - but thats another issue.