Today I decided to rescue some photographic material that I obtained some time ago through one of the drone flights that I had the opportunity to do when I visited the Regoufe Mines.
In that place, I still remember feeling like I had traveled back in time. Located in a small village in Arouca, the ruins of these old tungsten mines are full of fascinating stories. Walking through the rugged terrain, it is impossible not to imagine the intense movement that existed there during the Second World War, when the English and Germans coexisted, in search of this valuable mineral.
Portuguese PT
Hoje decidi resgatar algum material fotográfico que obtive há algum tempo através de um dos voos de drone que tive a oportunidade de fazer quando visitei as Minas de Regoufe.
Naquele local, ainda me lembro de sentir como se tivesse viajado no tempo. Localizadas numa pequena aldeia em Arouca, as ruínas destas antigas minas de volfrâmio estão carregadas de histórias fascinantes. Caminhando pelo terreno acidentado, é impossível não imaginar o intenso movimento que ali existia durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, quando ingleses e alemães coexistiam, em busca deste valioso minério.
The abandoned buildings, which once housed workers' quarters and supported infrastructure for tungsten extraction, stand as silent witnesses to an era of global ambition and conflict. There is a certain melancholy in the air, but also a sense of admiration for the strength and determination that must have shaped that place.
Portuguese PT
Os edifícios abandonados, que outrora foram alojamentos para trabalhadores e infraestruturas de apoio à extração do volfrâmio, mantêm-se como testemunhas silenciosas de uma era de ambição e conflitos globais. Há uma certa melancolia no ar, mas também um sentimento de admiração pela força e determinação que devem ter moldado aquele lugar.
It was then that I decided to take the drone up. As soon as the camera started capturing aerial images, I realized the true beauty of the place. From the sky, the mines are revealed like scars amidst the dense vegetation of Serra da Arada. The ruined buildings, seen from above, are like pieces of a puzzle that tell the story of the village. It is impressive to see the winding paths, which were probably used to transport the ore, winding between the hills.
Portuguese PT
Foi então que decidi levantar o drone. Assim que a câmera começou a capturar imagens aéreas, percebi a verdadeira dimensão da beleza do local. A partir do céu, as minas revelam-se como cicatrizes no meio da vegetação densa da Serra da Arada. Os edifícios em ruínas, vistos de cima, são como peças de um puzzle que contam a história da aldeia. É impressionante ver os caminhos sinuosos, que provavelmente eram usados para transportar o minério, serpentear entre as colinas.

But what impressed me most was the surrounding landscape. From the drone, the imposing mountains stretch to the horizon, creating an incredible contrast between the green of the trees and the more arid and exposed areas of the mines. The sunlight reflected off the stones and ancient buildings, creating shadows that further highlighted the details of the ruins.
Portuguese PT
Mas o que mais me impressionou foi a paisagem ao redor. A partir do drone, as montanhas imponentes estendem-se até ao horizonte, criando um contraste incrível entre o verde das árvores e as áreas mais áridas e expostas das minas. A luz do sol refletia nas pedras e nos antigos edifícios, criando sombras que realçavam ainda mais os detalhes das ruínas.

In the distance, the trail that connects Regoufe to Drave, part of the famous PR14 – The Magic Village, seemed to invite us to a new adventure. The village of Regoufe, with its traditional houses, almost hides among nature, as if it were guarding the secrets of this historic place.
Portuguese PT
Ao longe, o trilho que liga Regoufe a Drave, parte do famoso PR14 – A Aldeia Mágica, parecia convidar para uma nova aventura. A aldeia de Regoufe, com as suas casas tradicionais, quase se esconde entre a natureza, como se estivesse a guardar os segredos deste local histórico.
The Regoufe Mines are not just a piece of history, they are a place where the past and nature meet in an impressive way, offering an experience that remains etched in the memory.
Portuguese PT
As Minas de Regoufe não são apenas um pedaço de história, são um local onde o passado e a natureza se encontram de forma impressionante, oferecendo uma experiência que fica gravada na memória.
That´s all for today, Hope you like it :)
DRONE: DJI MINI 2 | Sensor 1/2.3” CMOS | Effective Pixels: 12 MP
Lens: FOV: 83° / 35 mm format equivalent: 24 mm
Aperture: f/2.8 | Focus range: 1 m to ∞
Location - Portugal

Thank you again for watching :)
Always remember:
Value your time, because every fraction counts, and the price of anything is the amount of life you trade for it.
May the memories of the travels be eternalized in the photographs, and may the photographs transport us back to the travels ;)
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The drone camera pictures are really beautiful. I like it a lot..
Glad you like it :) Thanks
Welcome my friend
Greetings. What is technology, that we can now get that many images with just a small device. I liked them and I think that, as you say, the contrast of what was once an occupied place and how it is now "invaded" or "reclaimed" by nature, is overwhelming.
Indeed, these places are really cool to photograph :) Thank you for your comment :)
Honestly the drone viee is always outstanding but to pilot it is not all that easy. Thank you very much for the effort you put in sharing this masterpiece.
I like to take these pics and share it here :) Thank you for your comment :)
Wow, it's really very beautiful, the natural beauty is so amazing, it looks so real ❤️
Glad you like it :) Thanks you for stopping by :)
Looks like a very beautiful picture my friend
Thank you :)