In the Midst of the Cape Winelands

in Pinmapple2 years ago (edited)

Come along with me on a visit to a farm called Anna Beulah in Durbanville along the West Coast of South Africa.

While visiting my daughter in Cape Town a couple of weeks ago,she took my hubby and I to this awesome place in the midst of the Winelands of the Cape.

Durbanville was established in the late 1800's, and lies at the edge of the Tygerberg Hills, where back in the day, was known as the water hole, travellers would stop and water their horses as they passed through to Cape Town City.

The little town is part of the greater City of Cape Town metropolitan area, and is a semi rural residential suburb surrounded by Wine farms.

One of my favorite spots in South Africa, where the best wines are made.

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Anna Beulah, not only has the best accommodation and restaurants, they also sell fresh produce like vegetables and homemade sauces and breads.
We were met by the sound of hens cackling in their pen and the aroma of food cooking from the restaurant was enough to get the taste buds going.

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A very friendly Rooster came waddling up to the fence to welcome us. Being a fan of them, I couldn't help taking a photograph of him, he was quite happy to proudly pose for the picture, then ran off to introduce me to his female counterparts, who seemed quite happy to be acquainted with him.

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Lovely fruit and organic nuts to be purchased at quite a reasonable price, with homemade sauces displayed on the shelves and handmade painted gifts.

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The owner of the farm is an art teacher and was busy setting up for a class in the afternoon for a lesson, so we stopped for a chat.

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She teachers painting and pottery as well as ceramic painting.
Being an artist myself, I spent quite a bit of time in the studio exchanging tips on art and painting, we spoke about pottery, which is another interest of mine, she is so knowledgeable on the subject.

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The inside of the shop is decorated with old world type decor, enhancing the time period around 1800's style of the house with it's wooden floors and beamed ceilings.

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The Cape Dutch style architecture is seen throughout the region representing the gritty determination and hard work of the early farmers, the character of the homestead is that of absolute warmth and ever so welcoming.
I absolutely adore the unique style which has been passed down from generation to generation.

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This little Cottage has been turned into a Restaurant with it's traditional grape vine adorning the pillars of the verandah or (stoep), the old people use to call it. An old olive tree stands boldly next to the house.

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A friendly Shepherd Dog lay in the shade under a palm tree observing the people passing by.
The beautiful cottages in the background are well equipped and ready for the visitor, some are self catering, others just a sleepover.

Anna Beulah Farm offers activities such as horse riding, cycling and hiking amongst other entertainment.
This is such an awesome place for a get away, to recharge one's soul...Omg...I'm definitely going to put that in my bucket list for the future.

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I was told that one can pick one's own vegetables from the garden to purchase.

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Beautiful farm fresh vegetables straight from the garden.

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The beautiful thatched roof Dutch Style Manor House, is tucked away a short distance from the other cottages.

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A Llama peering through the trees, there are quite a variety of different animals on the farm, like donkeys, sheep and horses.
Unfortunately, I didn't see the horses they were out in the field somewhere.

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The views of the Tygerberg Mountains in the distance and the peaceful ambience of the place, leaves one in awe. I felt I could stay there forever. I'm definitely coming back.

The Farm is the most awesome place on earth.

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I had to take one last photo of the place before we left, this is my kind of lifestyle, I could live there forever.
Well... there we are...that's the end of the journey.

I hope you have enjoyed the tour as much as I have showing you.


Have a great day and live your life to the fullest
Until next time.


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All photos property of @artywink
Original content by @artywink

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I love the Cape Dutch style buildings, reminds me of a more genteel, and of course the Cape itself is beautiful with all the majestic mountains!
You really had a lovely break my friend, well deserved 💞

Thanks my friend, it was lovely to be there under the sad circumstances, but like Alice said, Chris is in a better place, no more suffering.
The Cape is my favorite place.
Thanks for passing by.