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RE: Exploring Istanbul πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡·

in Pinmapple β€’ last year

Great pictures, love them 😍.
Love Istanbul, been there twice and both times I had an amazing experience... it's such a lively city and so multicultural... no a huge fan of their sweets though πŸ˜… (probably because being Albania I have eaten too many of them when I was a child and now I cannot even look at them πŸ˜‚)
have a nice day 😊

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Hi Aurzeq! Thanks for your nice comment!

Haha I can imagine - I think sweets like Baklava are pretty popular in Albania as well :D

Oh nice, you have already been there twice! I definitely have to make my second trip there one day as well!

Thanks, same to you! :))

Yessss definitely popular, my grandma used to make it almost every weekend πŸ˜‚