Tho Quang - The Fishing Wharf lies on its side and listens to the rhythm of the city's life

in Pinmapple2 years ago

Hello everyone! Wishing everyone a new week full of luck and joy in life. How are you today? I think you had a wonderful weekend with your family. Today is the first Monday of the week, a new week with new joys. The past few days have been a wonderful time for me. I have been to many places in my city and on those trips, I have taken a lot of beautiful photos. On winter days, the weather is sometimes not so good, the winter drizzle, which puts my camera and camera lenses in constant danger. There are also days when the weather is very nice, although it is rare in winter. My photography sessions usually have a certain theme. One subject will be photographed in different places. During a photography session, I took a very interesting place, which I would like to introduce to everyone, in my today's post.


The place that I introduce today, is not a famous tourist destination, or a certain museum like my previous posts. That place is a fishing wharf in the sea, located at the foot of Son Tra mountain. As everyone knows, Da Nang is one of the coastal tourist cities, where there are many long coastlines. Next to the long coastlines are large fishing ports, which are busy trading in the early morning. Da Nang has a lot of fishing wharves, usually concentrated in an area by the sea. There are big fishing wharves, there are also small fishing wharves. Usually, small fishing wharves will be sold in odd quantities, for people to enjoy. The small fishing wharf in today's article, located 8km east of Da Nang city center, is located on Hoang Sa road. This is my familiar road, every time I explore the tourist attractions of the Son Tra peninsula. This small fishing wharf, given a name by the people, is Tho Quang fishing wharf. Because this fishing wharf is located in Tho Quang ward, Son Tra District, Da Nang city. This fishing wharf is a spontaneous fishing wharf of people. So here you will not have instruction or a notice board at all. If you want this place, I think it's also very easy to find. As long as you go to Hoang Sa beach road, you can see this place.








Tho Quang Fishing Wharf is located near a temple called Buu Dai Son, in front of this temple area is the coast of Da Nang, at 5 am this place will be very busy with fisherman's seafood trading scene. I will start with the itinerary of my trip today. Weekends are a great time for me to take pictures and compose my works and I can't wait to share them with you.


I set the alarm for 4 am, so I could be in time for this morning's photo session. In winter, getting up early is always torture for many people. I timed it with many different time frames, so I could arrive here in time before the sun rose. From my house to this fishing wharf is also very close, the distance is less than 4km. After driving for a while, I reached the fishing wharf before sunrise. The first thing that strikes me is that the sky is very beautiful today, it will be difficult to see the sunrise in winter. After parking the car on the roadside, I started walking down to the beach, where there are many beautiful coconut trees, each tree will be planted in a pair. Even the coconut tree has a couple, I don't understand why until now I am still lonely. I'm envious of these coconut trees . I purposely took a different angle of the picture, only saw a single tree, it looked so impressive with the sunrise of the sun behind the mountain.

At 4:30 am is the time when life here is happening faster than usual. Small traders selling fish, with street vendors rushing to the sea. To find yourself a good position, to be able to trade well today. When the sun has not yet risen, it is also the time when the fishing boats return, after a night of fishing at sea. These fishing boats will not be able to get close to the shore, because they can easily run aground. To bring seafood to the shore, it will be transported by fishermen by small basket boats. The main task of these boats is to bring seafood from large ships to small basket boats to transport seafood to shore.






I could observe a lot of small fish merchants, standing from below the sea. When the catches are brought ashore, they will compete with each other to buy back from the fishermen and sell them back to the people. After the small basket boats come ashore, small traders will negotiate with fishermen and buy back this seafood. The fish baskets will be divided into different types of fish, to easily sell to people.



At 5 o'clock when the sun appears the dawn behind the mountain, you will see the peaceful scenery of this place. Looking from below the sea, looking up at Son Tra mountain, you will observe the huge statue of Quan Am Buddha, which is the Buddha image in Linh Ung pagoda, which I introduced in an article last week. Under the sea are fishing boats lying close together. Looking to the fishing wharf area, fishermen are still trying to transport fish inside the shore, before sunrise.











After the sun has risen, at 6 o'clock is the time when people gather here to buy fish. Usually customers are people who go to exercise and go to the beach here. The baskets of fish will be classified again by small traders, to sell to the people. I got to know a lot of the fish they sell. The small fish are anchovies, there are also De, puffer, and scad. There are also squid and shrimp. The prices here are also very affordable, the seafood is caught the same day, so it's very fresh.
































In the past, my family also had a fishing job. My grandfather is one of the best fishermen in this Son Tra area. Normally, fishing trips will be at sea for more than 1 month. By the time of my father, he was also one of the members of that boat. But since 2007, when China has always made it difficult for Vietnam's fishing grounds. There have been many large Chinese ships rammed and sunk Vietnamese fishing boats. When the fishing grounds were robbed, the number of fish was also gradually depleted. So many people have given up fishing offshore. Every morning, many people are exercising at this beach. Have you ever walked on the sea in winter? If you have ever been to the beach in winter, you will find it very interesting. In winter, if you swim here, there will be a warm stream of water below your feet, you will enjoy this when swimming here.








In addition to Tho Quang fishing wharf, Da Nang also has the largest fishing wharf. That is the fishing wharf of Man Quang Bay. There are many boats made of wood. Vietnam is one of the countries with the largest number of wooden ships in the region. The ships were built with iron shells, not trusted by the fishermen. Wooden boats will be suitable for net fishing. Iron boats, will consume more fuel than wooden ships. The cost of wooden ships is very cheap, compared to boats built with iron and steel shells. To take these photos, I used a Flycam. At the end of last year, I bought a Flycam to start working as a Cameraman. Because I'm new to Flycam, I still have a lot of limitations when it comes to controlling photography. These photos can help people observe Man Quang fishing wharf. The boats are attached, which will help reduce damage when the storm makes landfall in Da Nang. Luckily my city hasn't suffered a single storm this year. Looking from above, you can observe Tien Sa port and Son Tra mountain range.




















I took my Flycam out to the Han River to practice flying, where I was able to capture Thuan Phuoc Bridge and Da Nang city. The weather in winter always changes suddenly. Early this morning the sky was very beautiful, just a few hours apart, the sky began to appear rain clouds. Outside the riverbank, I was able to capture the blue lighthouse, to get to this area, the only way to reach this place is by boat. This lighthouse will help ships enter the Tien Sa port area safely. Help the boats, navigate the way at night. This lawn is very safe for me to practice flying the Flycam.










I flew up very high to see the whole Han River. The sky wasn't pretty, as I expected. I will come back here to take these pictures. My trip to the fishing wharf this time was very successful as expected, in this article I have taken pictures of the process of fishermen here. It helps me to have a beautiful perspective on life. I am very happy to share this place with everyone. I am very happy when people give a lot of compliments to my posts in recent times. Once again I would like to thank the hive family for giving me a useful playground to learn and exchange. My post ends here. Wishing everyone a very happy new week in the life. Goodbye and see you in my next posts.


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quao, nghe bến cá ni nhiều rồi mà nhìn ảnh mới cảm nhận hết được vẻ đẹp của nó. em có hay ra đây hân

Dạ hồi nhỏ em hay đi với mẹ ra đây đón ba em về. Này họ tự phát chứ cũng chưa quy mô bến cá lớn chị. Chị biết nơi này không

có, trước ch cũng có ghé vài lần do bạn chị ở gần đây, buổi sáng họ đi biển vào đông vui lắm, cá tươi nữa @danghao

Hôm đó cá tươi mà nó hơi nhỏ, ủa mà chị người ở đâu lận

ch ở Thăng Bình kia, lúc trước lăn lội ngoài Đn mấy năm :))) và mấy năm đó dành kha khá thời gian cho việc lang thang khắp phố

Dạ chị, hèn gì lần trước đi off em không thấy chị

hahaha giờ chạy gần trăm cây ra cái muốn đọa luôn :v nói chứ rồi cũng phải off team lần chứ

Bình minh đẹp quá hào ơi, em dùng ống kính gì vậy

Dạ em dùng ống kính nikon 80-200, đời 2 nên lấy nét cũng chậm mà ảnh ra nét căng chị :)

Tele màu đẹp quá, em chỉnh bằng bộ màu a fami share à

Em chỉnh bằng nikgoogle á chị với cameraw thôi. Mai đi đâu chụp không chị, em mới mua flycam á

Mai chị đi làm rồi, cuối tuần hoặc thứ 5 thì được. Mấy hình flycam màu không được đẹp lắm, nhìn nó đục đục nè

Trời nó phải có nắng, với tương phản tốt thì chỉnh mới đẹp được chị, trời này có chụp mavic 3 cũng xấu à

Tầm giá như vậy là đẹp rồi không thể đoài hỏi cao hơn được

Ui ghê ghê chị thik Flycam 🤩

Em sài mini thôi, bay thấp thấp chứ không dám bay xa thời tiết này chị

Thấy con flycam 7tr đáng đồng tiền bát gạo chưa, thua gì mavic2 đâu

Hahaa bay tim rớt ra ngoài, cảnh báo gió liên tục. Đi quay vài show mua thêm viên pin nữa là mua thêm pin dự phòng

Lên chợ flycam có nhiều người bán lại 700k thôi, mua mới làm gì cho phí

Bỏ thêm 500 mua mới luôn cậu cu ơi, ngày mai có nhà không đi tập bay với boi

Mai đi chơi thì đi, đang lười chụp. Lâu lâu nghĩ dc một hôm, mai đi sơn trà chơi thì đi luôn

Thôi trời này xấu lắm, trời đẹp thì boi đi. Hôm đó đi lần ghềnh bàng kinh hồn rồi :(

Rứa ngồi chờ thời đi, mai cu đi bãi cây đa đường đi bãi đá đen :v

Bán đc máy ảnh c chưa? C cũng muốn mua

Là sao chị Trang?

Dạ em chưa rao lại chị, mới sửa máy về thôi chị. Mai em bắt đầu rao thử, mấy hôm nay đuối luôn chị à

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ù ôi, hình đỉnh quá nè. nhìn hình mấy đứa đã qá ko dám nhìn lại hình của mình luôn 😂

Chị lại khiêm tốn nữa rồi, em mới biết chụp hơn 1 năm à. Chị đang dùng máy ảnh gì vậy

máy chị sắp về với chủ mới r em 😂

Bán mua lại máy ảnh khác à chị

chuyển đam mê sang thú khác em ơi 😂😂

Chuyển sang flycam giống em nè haha

Beautiful photos!!I love docks like that😊

Thank you very much, have you been to this place?

Wow, amazing photos.

Thank you very much!

Fantastic photographs.

Thank so much😀

It's my pleasure.

beautiful post

Thank You!

A bustling and pleasant fish port

Every morning, the sunrise is also breathtaking. You will be struck by the natural beauty that has been bestowed upon this location. Thank you so much for liking my post

Wow, the photos are really beautiful!!

Thank you so much!

Wonderful photos @danghao! 😍

Thank so much :)

I just wanted to share that my tattoo is almost similar to the first picture and It is so pretty!

I dream to become rich and have a house near the beach.

You may be aware that Vietnam is one of the countries affected by strong ocean storms. Houses near the sea are the ones most affected by each landfall in Da Nang, which is one of the cities that suffers from these strong storms.

góc độ và màu sắc phối hợp tuyệt quá, trông yên bình thật luôn á.

Cảm ơn bạn nhiều, biển buổi sáng lúc nào không yên bình lắm chị :)

Đẹp quá em ơi ^^ Đà Nẵng góc nào nhìn cũng nên thơ hết cả í

Dạ em cảm ơn chị, mấy hôm nay trời đẹp lắm chị. Chị có đi dạo ra ngoải không?

hihi nhà c đang nam tiến e ạ, trong này trời cũng đẹp lắm nè.

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Extremely charming all the colors of the sky. I love to observe how the fishing community lives around the world. The habits are very similar. I wish you success in your work. May you have a great week, month and year of victories. Share more about your plans, I look forward to reading more.

Thank you so much for everything.
Your compliments are the motivation for me to write better articles.
My hometown is a coastal city with numerous beautiful beaches. If you have the opportunity to come to Vietnam, or remember to visit Da Nang city, I will help you have a great trip.

Oh, my God. If I get a chance to go to Da Nang, I'm sure I'll talk to you. Besides beautiful beaches what else can we find by Da Nang?

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thank you very much @kohsamui99
I've been reading your posts, and you seem to enjoy going to the beach. I also enjoy going to the beach because it helps me unwind after a long day at school.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Hello, @kohsamui99. I'd like to thank you for taking part in this contest; I have the results. I just got the results of the contest in the comment section of @uwelang's post.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

You'rre welcome. Have a nice day

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment