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RE: In Which we Finally Stay in A Hotel

in Pinmapplelast month

We look forward to continuing our journey. Breaks are good and this one seems to be a quality break!

As for the French, I've got several leads, but I think it's mainly culture shock. For one thing, smiles aren't as common in France as they might be in other countries. It's much harder for us to smile than it might be for Moroccans, for example. Indeed, it can be extremely frowned upon from a cultural point of view.

We also have a kind of formal politeness. It's a "bullshit" thing that we find really hard to break away from. Our codes of politeness are so ingrained that they prevent us from adapting to and fully appreciating local customs. From another culture, we can be seen as rigid.

And I think, above all, there's a lack of open-mindedness. Unlike other countries, we don't have compulsory drama lessons at school, nor music (well, much less so now). To put it more simply, we have no, or very few, arts programs. Which makes us very shy and not very open-minded. Romantic perhaps (in certain films), but shy too.

But let's not generalize, of course. The French people you see traveling in Morocco during this period are not representative of all French people. That said, it's a very good analysis on your part.


I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this analysis, @genesisledger , and I was hoping you and other French friends here might spy my criticism of French travellers and explain it!!! I honestly was trying NOT to generalize but I have been snubbed so many times by the French I had to vent!!

Your explanation may help me be more understanding!

It was exacerbated too by Jamie being shouted at by a Frenchman for using his detergent he left in a communal sink. An honest mistake. He called him every French name under the sun. Jamie's French helps him get by, but any highschool education teaches you swearing under the desk. But of course, that may have been just because he was an asshole, not just because he was French 😂😂😂

Yes, I think he was an asshole mostly. Being just a tad observant, I can try to imagine what kind of person it was. I imagine, maybe a bit elderly. Certainly a bit of a "colonizer".

Well, this is an observation that will speak only to me, but at this time of year, in Morocco, at least 50% of French travelers have this state of mind. So I think we need to be prepared for more people like that.

Frankly, I'm really disappointed that you have all these bad reports. Almost ashamed. But not all French people are like that, that's for sure 😀