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RE: Cades Cove Loop - Gatlinburg Tennessee

in Worldmappin3 years ago

All landscape photos are taken in East Tennessee and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Additional Information
My name is Kellie Sharpe. I've spent all of my life here in East Tennessee. I've lived in these mountains or, in their foothills, all my life.
The Smokies are famous for having visitors turn into residents, and there's a reason for that....once you form a love for them, they become a part of who you are...part of your soul. leaving them would be like leaving part of yourself.
There's a softness about them.. a kindness about them.
To me they're like an old friend who's kept secret every part of my life which I've sat in their lap and whispered. They've allowed my babies to run and play in their coves and, they've allowed them to sleep at night to their cool breezes they send sweeping down to their foothills.
My kids have learned to drive on the one lane roads of Cades Cove and, I promised to marry the love of my life while standing on the highest peak you can drive to in the snow. The river's current taught my boys to swim and, it did the same for their Dad, their uncles, and their Papaw too.
My family is East Tennessee.. we are, and always will be, a part of the Smokies. My hope is that this page gives this amazing place, and God who created it, the credit they deserve.