Let's Travel 🇮🇳

in Pinmapple3 years ago


Hello @haveyoubeenhere and @ocd family,
I hope everyone is fine. It's been a while since I've posted here.
Today I'm sharing my travel moments I did last week.


Last week me and my cousin decided to go for a hiking to a well know hill station in Idukki district of Kerala. We started our journey at early morning. It was so cold outside. After two hours of travelling we reached our location. We started climbing up. It was so steep.



Half done half to climb. After taking some rest we continued climbing.
The cool breeze helped us not to get swet.


After half an hour of climbing we reached at the top. It was an amazing experience. There we can see the beauty of nature. The tea plantations, buildings, dams wow was a great view .We spent an hour sitting there by enjoying the beauty. After that we returned to our home.

It was a refreshing day for us. Really enjoyed the trip.

Thank you
@pinmapple @haveyoubeenhere .


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