Argentina - Against all odds, we managed to see the lagoon and the Hielo Azul glacier: it was worth the steep climb. / Contra todo pronóstico, logramos ver la laguna y el glaciar Hielo Azul: valió la pena la subida empinada. 😃❤️

in Worldmappin5 days ago

I feel like I've done so many beautiful walks in amazing weather that I don't even have the right to complain when I get a rainy day. In all this time I always had good luck every time I went out for a walk, but every now and then, adverse weather appears. However, even this can't stop my adventurous mood and for me it's just a matter of dressing appropriately and heading out to face the day. Furthermore, I had already walked 14 km the day before just with the idea of ​​getting to that place to see the famous Hielo Azul Glacier. I couldn't miss it under any circumstances 😅.

Siento que hice tantos paseos hermosos con un clima increíble que ni siquiera tengo derecho de quejarme cuando me toca un día de lluvia. En todo este tiempo siempre tuve buena suerte cada vez que salí a caminar, pero cada tanto, el clima adverso se hace presente. Sin embargo, ni siquiera esto puede detener mi ánimo aventurero y para mí solo es cuestión de vestirse adecuadamente y salir a enfrentar el día. Además ya había caminado 14 km el día anterior solo con la idea de llegar hasta ese lugar para ir a conocer el famoso Glaciar Hielo Azul. No podía perdermelo bajo ninguna circunstancia 😅.

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Of course I had checked the forecast and seen that it was going to rain, but those days were my two days off from work at the hostel. It's not like I could have chosen which day of the week to go, so I took the risk of going and letting whatever happens happen. So far, I had done a few walks in bright sunshine so a little water wasn't going to hurt me. As announced, our first day of hiking was beautiful, but on the second, the sky dawned with thick gray cloudiness 🙃.

Por supuesto que había revisado el pronóstico y había visto que iba a llover, pero justo esos días eran mis dos días libres del trabajo en el hostel. No es como si hubiese podido elegir que día de la semana ir, así que me arriesgué a ir y que pasara lo que tenga que pasar. Hasta el momento, había hecho unos cuantos paseos con sol radiante así que un poco de agua no me iba a hacer mal. Tal cual lo anunciado, nuestro primer día de caminata estuvo hermoso, pero al segundo, el cielo amaneció con una espesa nubosidad gris 🙃.


For this new adventure in the mountains, I had decided to visit the Hielo Azul Shelter. This refuge in El Bolsón is one of the most beautiful to see due to its good location near the hill of the same name, but you can also take other walks in its surroundings. One of them is to continue up the mountain for about two more hours until you reach the glacier and lagoon area. It is the busiest walk for all the visitors who come to that place, so the path is quite marked and is very intuitive because you have to go all the way up and that's it 😅.

Para esta nueva aventura en las montañas, había decidido visitar el Refugio Hielo Azul. Este refugio en El Bolsón es uno de los más hermosos para ver por su buena ubicación cerca del cerro homónimo, pero también pueden hacerse otros paseos en sus alrededores. Uno de ellos es continuar montaña arriba unas dos horas más hasta llegar a la zona del glaciar y la laguna. Es el paseo más concurrido por todos los visitantes que llegamos hasta ese lugar, así que el sendero esta bastante marcado y es muy intuitivo porque hay que ir todo para arriba y ya 😅.


If your idea is to visit the refuge and the glacier, an overnight stay in this place is necessary. From the town, getting to the refuge takes about 6 hours, and then these extra 2 hours to finish the road to the top. That's what I set out to do alone, but along the way I met two girls who ended up becoming my friends on this trip. We spent the first night together and the next day, we woke up with the idea of ​​doing this walk. We thought we were going to get out of the rain, but half an hour into the walk the light drizzle began 😅.

Si tu idea es visitar el refugio y el glaciar, es necesaria una noche de pernocte en este lugar. Desde el pueblo, llegar al refugio toma unas 6 horas, y luego estas 2 horas extras para terminar el camino hasta arriba. Eso es lo que me propuse hacer en solitario, pero en el camino conocí a dos chicas que se terminaron volviendo mis amigas en este paseo. Pasamos la primer noche juntas y al día siguiente, nos levantamos con la idea de hacer esta caminata. Pensamos que íbamos a zafar de la lluvia, pero a la media hora de la caminata empezó la llovizna leve 😅.


Incredibly it wasn't that cold, so it wasn't that bothersome to walk in those conditions. This path was quite steep, much steeper than the way out and with very unstable terrain of loose, wet stone. It wasn't so terrible, with the extra support of a cane you could climb without problems and enjoy the beautiful views that were behind. Despite the cloudiness, the landscape looked beautiful 😃.

Increíblemente no hacía tanto frío, así que no era tan molesto caminar en esas condiciones. Este camino era bastante empinado, mucho más empinado que el camino de la ida y con un terreno muy inestable de piedra suelta y húmeda. No era tan terrible, con el apoyo extra de un bastón podías subir sin problemas y disfrutar de las hermosas vistas que se iban teniendo por detrás. A pesar de lo nublado, el paisaje se veía hermoso 😃.


Almost two hours later, we were approaching the end of this tour. When we saw the first snow in the place we were surprised, because there was quite a bit left despite it being summer. And as a reward after so much effort, at the end of climbing the hill, the Blue Ice lagoon appeared on the other side and below. It had a strange greenish color, perhaps a product of the no-sun. It was quite large and a nice reward for the end of the hike 😃.

Casi dos horas después, ya nos estabamos acercando al final de este recorrido. Cuando vimos la primera nieve del lugar nos sorprendimos, porque quedaba bastante a pesar de ser verano. Y como recompensa después de tanto esfuerzo, terminando de subir la lomada aparecía del otro lado y abajo, la laguna Hielo Azul. Tenía un color verdoso medio extraño, quizás producto del no-sol. Era bastante grande y una linda recompensa para el final de la caminata 😃.


Many people ended their walk there, but my new companions and I didn't want to stop at just that. I mean you couldn't even see the glacier from there: that couldn't be all. We saw that there were people who were near the edge of the lagoon, so we carefully went down until we got closer. At this point, the drizzle was already quite heavy, but luckily my rain gear still protected me firmly 😃.

Mucha gente daba por finalizado su paseo ahí, pero mis nuevas acompañantes y yo no queríamos quedarnos solo con eso. Me refiero a que ni siquiera se veía el glaciar desde allí: eso no podía ser todo. Vimos que había gente que estaba cerca de la orilla de la laguna, así que con cuidado bajamos hasta que nos acercamos más. En este momento, la llovizna ya estaba bastante intensa, pero por suerte mi ropa impermeable todavía me protegía firmemente 😃.


Once again we met people who only ended their walk there, without seeing the glacier. I understand that the weather conditions were not the best, but it seemed that almost no one was in the mood to go see the great Blue Ice. It was then that we saw some boys returning from the right side of the lagoon and they told us that the glacier was there, but that we should be careful because we had to ford a small river and cross stretches of snow. We did it and finally we could see a little of the ice caves, still quite covered in snow but there they were 💕.

Otra vez nos encontramos con gente que solo terminaba su paseo ahí, sin ver el glaciar. Entiendo que las condiciones climáticas no eran las mejores, pero parecía que casi nadie tenía ánimos de ir a ver al gran Hielo Azul. Fue en eso que vimos a unos chicos volviendo del lado derecho de la laguna y nos indicaron que ahí estaba el glaciar, pero que tuvieramos cuidado porque había que vadear un pequeño río y cruzar tramos de nieve. Lo hicimos y finalmente pudimos ver un poco de las cuevas de hielo, todavía bastante tapadas de nieve pero ahí estaban 💕.


We could have settled for that, but these girls were even crazier than me and decided we could go even a little higher so we could see the glacier on the side. The rain gave us no respite, but I think we were already completely mobilized by euphoria. With just a few more meters of walking, we were able to see a little more of the glacier, with its typical light blue color. I would have liked to take some extra photos, but with the near storm that was already there, I'm glad I took even a decent one 😂.

Podríamos habernos conformado con eso, pero estas chicas eran incluso más locas que yo y decidieron que podíamos subir aún un poco más para poder ver el glaciar del costado. La lluvia no nos daba respiro, pero creo que ya estabamos movilizadas completamente por la euforia. Con solo unos metros más de caminata, pudimos ver un poco más del glaciar, con su color típico celeste. Me hubiese gustado sacar algunas fotos extra, pero con la casi tormenta que ya había, me alegra haber sacado aunque sea una decente 😂.


When we had seen everything we had to see, we were satisfied with our walk and it was time to return. After almost three hours underwater, there was no longer any waterproof clothing that would last and we still had to return. It was a good expedition regardless, and I'm glad I accomplished my goal of seeing the Hielo Azul Glacier. This place is one of the most visited by those who go trekking to El Bolsón, and now it was also on the list of places visited by me ❤️.

Cuando ya vimos todo lo que teníamos para ver, quedamos satisfechas con nuestro paseo y fue hora de volver. Después de casi tres horas abajo del agua, ya no había ropa impermeable que aguantara y aún nos faltaba regresar. Fue una buena expedición a pesar de todo, y me alegra haber cumplido mi objetivo de ver el Glaciar Hielo Azul. Este lugar es uno de los más visitados por aquellos que van a hacer trekking a El Bolsón, y ahora también estaba en la lista de lugares visitados por mí ❤️.

❤️ Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading. ❤️

❤️¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer. ❤️


With lots of love. / Con mucho amor.
Lau 💕.

📸 Cover created with Canva. All the images are my property 💕.
📸 Portada creada en Canva. Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad 💕.


summer with snow, that's impressive. still, you are traveling...are you making it a whole year-round journey? hehe

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I wish I could... it was six months and now I've been home for over a month, but I hope to go traveling again soon ❣️.


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eso es asombroso, de verdad una experiencia imperdible, el glaciar al verlo asi de celeste algo impresionante, ahora no me imagino verlo personalmente

Era increíble verlo con nuestros propios ojos, también lo tocamos... fue genial 😃

Hermosas fotografías, un paisaje sin dudas único me gustaría mucho poder ver un glacial o nieve debe ser una experiencia fascinante. Parece que a pesar del clima lograste tú objetivo.

Si que es fascinante, es hermoso verlo desde tan cerca 💕

Hiya, @lizanomadsoul here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Top 3 in Travel Digest #2243.

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I also have the same intention, I will also go there with my friends after a few days to travel in the same way, there is such a beautiful place here in our country.

I hope you guys could go soon 💕

It's good that you were able to enjoy your two days off very well, and even though it rained, you dressed appropriately and managed to visit this beautiful place.
It's good that it wasn't so cold and they were able to complete this journey, and the lagoon was not frozen; It was great that you met these two new hiking friends and they could continue walking until they got to see the glacier
Another great adventure, dear friend @lauramica, thank you very much for making us part of it through your photographs.
have a happy start to the week

Thank you very much Luis... it was an incredible adventure, it was worth it to continue walking and strolling through those beautiful places... 💕

It was a beautiful place. Congratulations for completing your walk and even if rain is pouring down on you, but you never quit. How amazing seeing the glaciers around.

Thank you so much! A lot of adrenaline, we wanted to see the glacier and we did it 💕.

How impressive the wonders you discover up there. I will never cease to be amazed by this kind of landscape so rocky and arid in your posts, but at the same time with such interesting vegetation and climate, in fact I admire you for venturing on foot hahaha, you are strong... Happy start of the month Laura!.

Que impresionante las maravillas que descubres allá arriba. Nunca me dejará de asombrar este tipo de paisaje tan rocoso y árido de tus posts, pero a la vez con una vegetación y clima tan interesante, de hecho te admiro por aventurarte a pie jajaja, eres fuerte... Feliz inicio de mes Laura.

Muchas gracias Jesús. Eso es lo divertido, ir a caminar por esos lugares tan desafiantes. Feliz nuevo mes para vos también ❣️

I didn't expect this was a glacier look for real. I wonder if that's the only glacier you've been captured, or there are still many?

On this mountain there is only this Blue Ice Glacier... but I have also seen another glacier up close, at Vinciguerra Glacier in Ushuaia. It was beautiful.

Wow, hope to see them soon. 😍

Awesome reading, and feel inspired by you not giving up, but just pushing on until you reach your goal, even though the weather wasn't the best!! :)

I think it's a good attitude towards life... to continue even if it seems like you can't go any further because the reward is at the end 💕.
