Storytime - Saving money in the mountains didn't turn out well... but at least we survived the extreme cold. / Ahorrar dinero en la montaña no salió del todo bien... pero al menos sobrevivimos al frío extremo. 😅❤️

in Worldmappin3 days ago (edited)

When it comes to hiking in the mountains, I always take care to be as careful as possible. The best way to avoid an accident is to prevent it, so you don't have to do too many crazy things when you are in one of these remote places. But there are some things that escape these precautions because perhaps you have never thought about them, or because you have never taken them into account as a potential danger. I already had a lot of respect for the mountains in terms of their terrain, but this summer I learned that I also have to be careful of their nighttime temperatures 😅.

Cuando se trata de estar de paseo en las montañas, siempre me encargo de tener el mayor cuidado posible. La mejor forma de evitar un accidente es previniéndolo, así que no hay que hacer muchas locuras cuando se está en alguno de estos lugares remotos. Pero hay algunas cosas que se escapan de estas precauciones porque quizás nunca se había pensado en eso, o porque nunca lo habías tenido en cuenta como un potencial peligro. Yo ya le tenía bastante respeto a las montañas en cuanto a su terreno, pero este verano aprendí que también tengo que cuidarme de sus temperaturas nocturnas 😅.

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Every time you think of the south of Argentina you imagine the snow and cold of these places, but the truth is that the summers are usually quite hot. That doesn't mean there is no longer any snow on the mountain peaks, but in cities and towns like Bariloche and its surroundings, temperatures can easily exceed 25°C. This makes these places both summer and winter tourist destinations, although in my opinion, most people prefer the second option 😃.

Cada vez que uno piensa en el sur de Argentina se imagina la nieve y el frío de estos lugares, pero lo cierto es que los veranos suelen ser bastante calurosos. No por eso deja de haber nieve en las cumbres de las montañas, pero en las ciudades y pueblos como Bariloche y alrededores las temperaturas pueden superar fácilmente los 25°C. Esto convierte a estos lugares en destinos turísticos tanto de verano como de inverno, aunque en mi opinión, la mayoría de la gente prefiere la segunda opción 😃.


This summer I was working for more than two months in El Bolsón, a small city/town in the province of Río Negro. There was a lot of trekking to do in this place, so I used almost all my free days to go for walks in the mountains. All of these walks were memorable for the better because everything went according to plan, although there was one in which improvisation perhaps played tricks on me. Not even "bad trick" is the exact definition: I would just say that it was a not-so-good experience 😂.

Este verano estuve trabajando durante más de dos meses en El Bolsón, una pequeña ciudad / pueblo en la provincia de Río Negro. En este lugar habían bastantes trekkings para hacer, así que usé casi todos mis días libres para ir a pasear en las montañas. Todos estas caminatas fueron memorables para bien porque todo salió de acuerdo al plan, aunque hubo una en la que la improvisación quizás me jugó una mala pasada. Ni siquiera "mala pasada" es la definición exacta: solo diría que fue una experiencia no tan buena 😂.


When I decided that I wanted to go visit the Hielo Azul Refuge, I didn't get a companion like the previous times. But this is not something that will stop me, so I decided to go alone, since being the high summer season, I would surely meet people on the way. That's how it was when during the walk I made friends with two girls and between the three of us we formed a small trekking group. I don't have a tent or anything, so my idea was to go sleep in the shelter, while they were equipped with a tent, insulation and even an inflatable sleeping mattress 😅.

Cuando decidí que quería ir a visitar el Refugio Hielo Azul no conseguí acompañante como las veces anteriores. Pero esto no es algo que me detenga, así que decidí ir sola, ya que siendo la temporada alta de verano, seguramente me cruzaría con gente en el camino. Así fue cuando durante la caminata me hice amiga de dos chicas y entre las tres formamos un pequeño grupo de trekking. Yo no tengo carpa ni nada, así que mi idea era ir a dormir en el refugio, mientras que ellas iban equipadas con carpa, aislantes y hasta colchón de dormir inflable 😅.


The three of us got along quite well on the way, so much so that when we finally arrived at the shelter, they offered me to camp with them since they had a large tent. I had a sleeping bag that I planned to cover myself with in the shelter, and they would lend me insulation, so technically I would already have everything I needed. Also, sleeping indoors cost $15 while camping cost $8, so at first I was sold on the idea of ​​spending a little less 😅.

Las tres nos llevamos bastante bien en el camino, tanto que cuando finalmente llegamos al refugio, ellas me ofrecieron acampar con ellas ya que tenían una carpa grande. Yo tenía una bolsa de dormir con la que pensaba taparme en el refugio, y ellas me prestarían un aislante, así que técnicamente ya tendría todo lo necesario. Además, dormir puertas adentro costaba $15 mientras que acampar salía $8, así que en un primer momento me convenció la idea de gastar un poco menos 😅.


As soon as it became night, the abrupt change in temperature was noticeable. During the day we had had incredible summer weather, but the night on the mountain was freezing. My sleeping bag was very thin and didn't retain heat well (maybe because I bought it cheap at the market), so I had to put on my entire coat to keep from getting cold. I could say that I slept relatively well wearing all my clothes, but that was not the case during the second night. The next day, rain found us during our hike to the glacier, and everything I was wearing got wet. The worst of all was that the rain didn't even stop, and it did so all day and night 🙃.

Ni bien se hizo de noche, el cambio abrupto de temperatura se hizo notar. Durante el día habíamos tenido un clima de verano increíble, pero la noche en la montaña estuvo congelada. Mi bolsa de dormir era muy fina y no conservaba bien el calor (quizás porque la compré barata en el mercado), así que tuve que ponerme todo mi abrigo para no pasar frío. Podría decir que dormí relativamente bien usando toda mi ropa encimada, pero no fue así durante la segunda noche. Al dia siguiente, la lluvia nos encontró durante nuestra caminata hasta el glaciar, y todo lo que tenía puesto se mojó. Lo peor de todo era que la lluvia ni siquiera paró, y así fue durante todo el día y la noche 🙃.


Having all my warm clothes wet, I had to sleep in the short clothes I had arrived with, in that sleeping bag that was the same as nothing. My friends, I cannot describe how frozen I was that night. I felt like crying hahaha, I think I didn't sleep at all because I couldn't wait for daylight so I could get up and move around a little to warm up. Since my original idea was to sleep in the shelter for two nights, I only had a change of short clothes and a change of warm clothes, because I never thought I would need more than that. I also didn't think it was going to rain so much and that I would end up soaked from head to toe. Visiting the glacier below in the rain was fun, but the subplot of sleeping in that little tent was terrible 😂.

Al tener toda mi ropa de abrigo mojada, me tocó dormir con la ropa corta con la que había llegado, en esa bolsa de dormir que era lo mismo que nada. Amigos míos, no puedo describir lo que me congelé esa noche. Tenía ganas de llorar jajaja, creo que no dormí nada porque no veía la hora de que se hiciera de día para poder levantarme y moverme un poco para entrar en calor. Como mi idea original era dormir en el refugio dos noches, solo tenía una muda de ropa corta y una de ropa abrigada, porque nunca creí que necesitaría más que eso. Tampoco pensé que iba a llover tanto y que terminaría empapada de pies a cabeza. Visitar el glaciar abajo de la lluvia fue divertido, pero la subtrama de dormir en esa pequeña carpa fue terrible 😂.


I think I couldn't sleep either because I was scared of the extreme cold that I was experiencing. I had never thought of hypothermia as a real danger until that night, when I saw how horrible it is. Under normal conditions, my hands and feet are frozen, even in summer, but on that occasion my arms and legs were frozen. I was not the only one who had a bad time, because my companions were the same as me: despite their inflatable mattresses and everything, they also had wet clothes and their sleeping bags were not mountain ones, so it was a collective suffering. But we survived 😅.

Creo que tampoco podía dormir del miedo que me daba el frío extremo que estaba pasando. Nunca había pensado en la hipotermia como un real peligro hasta esa noche, en la que ví lo horrible que es. En condiciones normales, mis manos y pies están congelados, incluso en verano, pero en esa oportunidad tenía congelados hasta los brazos y piernas. Yo no fui la única que la pasó mal, porque mis compañeras estaban igual que yo: a pesar de sus colchones inflables y todo, ellas también tenían la ropa mojada y sus bolsas de dormir no eran de montaña, así que fue un sufrimiento colectivo. Pero sobrevivimos 😅.


I don't know if it was fear that left me, but now I also respect the cold a lot. In itself I don't like it very much, but I know that I have to be well prepared with elements to face it and not have a bad time. I still don't have a tent or a suitable sleeping bag, but if I ever decide to buy one, it will have to be of good quality no matter how expensive it is. After almost freezing, I assure you that that horrible experience was something I never want to repeat 😂.

No sé si fue miedo lo que me quedó, pero ahora también respeto mucho al frío. De por sí no me gusta mucho, pero sé que tengo que estar bien preparada con elementos para afrontarlo y no pasar un mal momento. Todavía no tengo carpa ni bolsa de dormir adecuada, pero si en algún momento me dispongo a comprar una, va a tener que ser de buena calidad por más costosa que salga. Después de casi congelarme, les aseguro que esa experiencia tan horrible fue algo que no quiero volver a repetir 😂.

❤️ Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading. ❤️

❤️¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer. ❤️

With lots of love. / Con mucho amor.
Lau 💕.

📸 Cover created with Canva. All the images are my property 💕.
📸 Portada creada en Canva. Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad 💕.


Your venture looks incredibly inspiring dearest @lauramica! Bravissima. I am so glad that you got through the cold and wet, and did not suffer toooooo much: I come from a cold country, and know how awful it can be to endure freezing temperatures whilst not being able to heat oneself - it can be overcome with extreme willpower, breathing and calming of mind and body, but that is not so easy! I am very glad to live in a warmer country now 🌞🌞🌞🌞 At least when we have a cold or miserable night, the gratitude the next day for sunshine, movement and perhaps a piping hot cup of tea, can seem heavenly, eh!

Hello Clare. Yes, at that moment she was trying to calm me down or think of something else, but it was truly a terrible moment. I don't like the cold so much and even less so now. Currently in Argentina we are having a polar wave, this morning it was 3 degrees in Buenos Aires, that is quite low for us. They freeze to the bone hahaha. But luckily it is only in this winter time until September that everything becomes more pleasant :)

A warm hug from scorchio Italy today 😍🥵🤗

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Definitely got to respect mother nature and the cold weather!! That will kill ya. You certainly learned a lesson though!

That's right, I think it was actually very dangerous to do that. But thanks to the unconsciousness of my decision I am now more aware 😂.

Without a doubt, dear friend @lauramica, one way to avoid accidents is to be as careful as possible, there is no good way without being cautious.
The weather in the mountains tends to be very changeable, and you should always be cautious and bring coats, even if the day is hot.
How great that you found these people who were very good to you.

I'm sorry for the bad time you had to go through because of the rain and that at some point you were in danger of hypothermia. It's good that you have overcome the situation, and now you have the experience of going warmer on the hikes that you plan to sleep in the mountains.

Beautiful shots as always, I appreciate you letting us know about these experiences
have a beautiful afternoon

Thank you very much Luis. Yes, it was quite an experience, but now at least I learned this about the cold. I hope it doesn't happen again hahaha, next time I'll be better prepared.

Greetings, have a nice day ❤️

Pasar frío en la montaña es de las cosas más terribles, me pasó una vez. Tenía una buena carpa y aislante, pero mi saco de dormir no era para alta montaña, ni tampoco mi ropa, así que aunque me puse todo en la noche, no funcionó jajajaja, definitivamente hay que invertir en equipos y ropa especiales.

Te juro que pienso en ese día y quiero llorar de nuevo jajajajaj que lento que se pasaba el tiempo por favor, lo mal que la pasé. La próxima aunque sea me alquilo una buena bolsa sin falta 😂.

¡Exacto! El tiempo no pasa, no se puede dormir, en fin... Jajaja al menos una anécdota para contar porque se sobrevivió 😂.

Menos mal ☠️

The cold is nice the heat is unbearable our city temperature is running 50 and life is very stressful it's good that you keep going with friends to hang out on top of such a beautiful place Pictures we also like to see it.

I think both extremes are terrible. What a pity that your city is so hot, I hope you have good cooling.