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RE: Campuestohan Part 1: Swimming Pool, Park, and Bridge

in Worldmappin2 years ago (edited)

The place looks huge indeed and so much things to see and do so much so that it looks disorganized to me. A lot is going on lol! It seems they wanted to put everything in every space they can.

Anyway, what's important is that you enjoyed and that's all that matters. I do like some of your bridge photos and the mountain view. Also, you have put important information about the place too such as prices which is helpful.


Haha the place is overwhelming with lots of things going on - so trueee!!

Yep we did have a great time - it was also nice seeing so many people going on about their day laughing, especially the kids. Finally people can go out now and enjoy the sun, after the lockdowns and quarantine.

I did check out their prices as it would be helpful - in case people who stumble on my blog want to go to the place :)

thank you for dropping by!

I too am happy to see people out and about and just having fun and enjoying the day. Gone is the fear of pandemic it seems.