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RE: Urgell y universitat en Barcelona / Urgell and universitat in Barcelona [ESP-ENG]

in Pinmapple7 months ago

Hi there, please note the Pinmapple community is a travel community. Your daily life post will be more suited to the Lifestyle Community or Daily Blog community. If you post about travel, you are more than welcome to post here but please make sure you pin it to Pinmapple as per the community rules.. As a gentle reminder, please do not delete this post and repost in another community because reposting is considered abuse on Hive. Thanks


This is a walk, an adventure or a trip because he tells me no.

Imagen de WhatsApp 2023-10-27 a las 20.06.56.jpg

My blog is about my adventure and trip here in Spain where I live and it is not a crime to publish twice, look at that account