Unforgettable Memories in Almont Surigao City

in Pinmapplelast year

My adventure in Almont Surigao City with my girlfriend was an unforgettable experience. The city is known for its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear water, and rich culture. We decided to spend a few days there to escape the busy city life and spend some quality time together.

We arrived in Almont Surigao City early in the morning, and after checking into our hotel, we headed straight to the restaurant to enjoy an American breakfast. We both love American breakfast, and we were excited to try the food in Surigao City. The breakfast was delicious, and we were impressed with the variety of food options available. We enjoyed eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee, which set the tone for a great day ahead.



Later that day, we headed to the beach to relax and soak up the sun. The sun was shining, and the breeze was refreshing, which made for the perfect day at the beach. We also decided to indulge in some barbecue, and we were not disappointed. We found a restaurant that offered unlimited barbecue, and we took advantage of it. We tried different types of meat, including chicken, pork, and beef, and they were all delicious. The barbecue was cooked to perfection, and we enjoyed every bite.




In the next day, we decided to take a dip in the pool. The pool was refreshing, and we had a great time swimming and splashing around. We also met some other tourists and made new friends, which added to our adventure. We spent the rest of the day relaxing by the pool, enjoying the sun, and soaking up the beautiful scenery.



Later that day, we decided to explore more of Almont Surigao City. We went to the local market, where we saw the locals selling fresh seafood and other local products. We also got a chance to try some local dishes, which were delicious. The locals were friendly and welcoming, and we enjoyed chatting with them. I was not able to take pictures because we were so busy at this time.

In conclusion, my adventure in Almont Surigao City with my girlfriend was an unforgettable experience. We enjoyed the unlimited barbecue, American breakfast, and early morning swimming at the pool. We also explored the local market, went on a sunset cruise, and had a picnic on a nearby island. The city is truly a hidden gem, and we would love to go back and experience more of its beauty and culture.

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Facebook: Manny Bontor Lumanao
Twitter: @BontorManny
Instagram: @engrmannylumanao
Steem/Hive: @mannylumanao


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