Exploring the mountain top views of the Jingshan Park

in Pinmapplelast month


Greetings from Beijing!

May Day in China is a beautiful five-day break from work that gave me a great opportunity to discover Beijing's secret gems. Jingshan Park, which is right behind the famous Forbidden Kingdom was at the top of my list after visiting more than dozens of places in the city. I had no idea that the trip I was about to take would include stunning views from the city center, some historical structures, and the stunning mountains top from where the 360 degree views required extra effort to reach there as I fought through the holiday crowds on the all entry paths.

Jingshan park is almost in the heart of Beijing city and the transportation is very flexible. The park is like a patchwork of green paths and flower gardens that are well taken care of by a large number of people. I think Beijing municipal is very careful about its vegetation and tree plantation all over the city as well. The ground are of the park is covered in thick, lush greenery, with bright flowers and tall trees that whispered secret of natural beauty in the soft breeze. The center hill, on the other hand, was the real crown jewel of Jingshan Park. It stood tall and beautiful above the rest of the land, offering a view of the city from above area.

I have visited the surrounding area first and then enter into the crowded entrance way to upward the hill. But the holiday crowds was the reason to do the thing so easy. The road up the hill was a river of people walking slowly. It seemed like all of Beijing's tourists had come together in this one spot to see the magic from above. As I moved slowly forward, "patience" became my motto. I would stop every so often to look at the beautiful greenery or catch a glimpse of the Forbidden City through the trees.










It took a long waiting to climb up but the best thing is that the slow walking pathway was beautiful to look at. The people who made the park were very smart to include curving paths that let you catch glimpses of the surrounding beauty. Every turn revealed a fresh view, a sneak peek at the big show that was waiting at the top.

Finally, after what seemed like forever and I would not be able to reach at the top (but was probably only 30 minutes), I got out from among the crowd and walked up to the very top of the area which had taken my all the tiring feeling out within a second. I can say for sure that the wait was worth it.

The view in front of me was like seeing a beautiful picture come to life. In the warm afternoon sun, the Forbidden City spread out in all its glory. Its winding gardens, shiny roofs, and tall walls seemed to whisper stories of kings and empires gone by. Seeing it was something I will never forget; it took me right back in time.








I want to comeback again here to see the different season's beauty when the nature will adorn with different colors. And there will be some different feelings. Most importantly the entry ticket was only 2 RMB which is one of the most cheap entry for a tourist place!

It didn't just look at the Forbidden City, though. The whole city of Beijing was spread out in front of me, a beautiful patchwork of new buildings, old temples, and large residential areas. The glass buildings looked stunning when the afternoon sun shone on them. The wispy clouds moving across the blue sky gave the scene a whimsical feel.

The Wancheng Pavilion, the building at the top, is a great sight to explore. It stood strongly against the cityscape, painted a bright red color combinations as the traditional one that showed off the building wonders of the Ming Dynasty.







Jingshan Park is more than just a beautiful view point; it's a crown jewel in the middle of Beijing. It is a place where one can learn history, explore natural beauty, and enjoy the views of the city's sky touching structures are just right under your feet. Don't miss the chance to get above the people and see the magic of Beijing if you ever get the chance.

I looked around and was amazed by how modern Beijing city with so many tall buildings. These moddern structures are the sign of China's technology power. Jingshan park is beautiful in more ways than just its wide views. Over the course of the afternoon, the light changed its color, making long shadows and a more muted color schemes in every things.








As I walked around the top, I met other people who had come to tell their own stories. I saw many couple held hands and leaned against the wall which is a common views in the Beijing spots, talking quietly to each other and often they start kissing in the public which makes me uncomfortable as I am not from such open culture. They didn't notice anyone else around them.

As the sun started to go down, painting the sky bright orange and red, I knew it was time to go down. There were not as many people on the way down as it was getting late, so it went much faster and more slowly. When I got to the bottom of the hill, I turned around to take one last look at the top, which was bathed in the warm light of the setting sun.







The visit of Jingshan Park made a mark on me that I will never forget. If you're ever in Beijing, have an afternoon to spare, and like to try new things, I really think you should go on an adventure in Jingshan Park. Somewhere along the way, you might find something magical.

Thanks for your time and attention, I hope you like my tour to the Jingshan Park.
Have a nice day!


Have a great day. I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for reading my post. It was a lovely day!

Jingshan Park is more than just a beautiful view point; it's a crown jewel in the middle of Beijing. It is a place where one can learn history, explore natural beauty, and enjoy the views of the city's sky touching structures are just right under your feet. Don't miss the chance to get above the people and see the magic of Beijing if you ever get the chance.

Dear @tanzil2024 !
This was my first time learning about the beauty of Jingshan Park!

The huge number of Chinese people flocking to Jingshan Park is even more surprising!
I wonder if there is a park in Bangladesh that attracts that many people!😃

Thank you for good photos!😄

I felt it would be difficult to be around that many people!

PS: It's hot summer where I am. What is Beijing like?

It is among the top 3 flower exploration royal gardens in Beijing in my opinion and for the May Day holidays, the place was very crowded. especially the mountain in the middle which is the most attractive part of the park.

In the case of Bangladesh, we don't have such beautiful parks in Dhaka city du to space limitations in the city but in some other districts, you can find many beautiful parks which are generally not so crowdy like I experienced here.

It is also summer but not so hot, the temperature rises to 30 degrees sometimes but most of the time it remains around 25 degrees as of now at 3:44 pm, the temperature is 26 degrees.

Thank you very much for reading my post!

Getting by a park is always a good idea no matter where on this planet you travel to :) it just feels like an oasis of silence and a break from all the crowded places, traffic noise, and people.

Absolutely, and if it is in a megacity of concrete heaven, then the park is just like cleaning your lungs. Beijing is too large to accommodate hundreds of parks throughout the city and with the extreme restrictions on residential areas and scattering roadside businesses, the city is much greener than many cities I have visited like Shanghai and Nanjing of China. Thanks for stopping by!

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