in Blogging Challenge3 years ago
Authored by @tripode

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Welcome to our daily activity report of the Blogging Challenge Community. We must say we had a great time reading your posts and we hope you all can keep engaging with us.


The posts selected on 1/7/2021 are:
Autor: @any94
BloggingChallenge II. Day 2: The best investment you have ever made // Dia 2: La mejor inversión que has hecho [ESP / ENG]

Foto de mi Propiedad // Photo of my Property

Day 2: The best investment you have ever made
Día 2: La mejor inversión que has hecho

English Version
For me, it's a very easy question to answer: What's the best investment you've ever made?

Irrefutably I would say that the best time, energy and money that I have been able to spend has been in learning, whether through a course, a university or a lived situation, the time I have

Autor: @sabrip

BLOGGING CHALLENGE | PART - 1 DAY 9 | Best trip of your life [ENG-ESP]

Saludos amigos, bienvenidos a mi desafío 9 en el #BloggigChallenge. El tema de hoy es “Mejor viaje de la vida”.

I love traveling and seeing beautiful places, even that is the third objective of my previous challenge. I have had the opportunity to see fantastic places in my beloved Venezuela and I still have many more to know if God allows me.

Autor: @kelvinspace

Desafio De Blog 30 Dias Parte 5. Dia#17: Escritura De Ficción ¿Qué Escribirias? . ---- 30 Day Blog Challenge Part 5. Day#17: Fiction Writing: ¿What Would You Write? .

Bienvenidos Apreciada Comunidad.

Welcome Dear Community.

Hola a toda la comunidad Hive, espero que se encuentren excelente he estado un poco ausente por falta de conectividad a internet , en esta nueva publicacion correspondiente al dia #17, les hablare un poco sobre la escritura de ficcion y que escribiria, desean saber un poco mas ? , pues bienvenidos a un nuevo relato.

Autor: @mairimmorales

[ESP/ENG] BloggingChallenge IV. Día 16: Mi actividad favorita es el proceso de investigación en un laboratorio / My favorite activity is the research process in a laboratory

Hola amigos de #hiveblog , he estado algo inactiva de mi blog, debido a que he estado enfocada a terminar mi tesis de grado para poder exponer y terminar mi carrera de Licenciatura en Química. Así que esa situación me ha dejado sin tiempo para escribirles, pero aquí estoy.

Autor: @godwinad

Part5 day 1

It's spring am I loving it or hating it? Am loving it with this followings points (produce). What it does to me, how it operates, how long it last, it benifits.
What it does: keeping me connected to the blogging challenge community, if only I have nothing to write about the community gives us on what we write on with no stress.

archivo bc09.png

Special thanks to:

  • Our curators: @kat.eli and @blukei that we gladly call Power Rangers because their duty is to help all citizens of the community to have a better experience and they are doing a great job!
  • Our wonderful sponsors @roger.remix, @ritch and @wesphilbin. That allows us to give you all more love.
  • And @cwow2, @starstrings01 and @tripode (SMILE team) Senseis for making all this possible.
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support and if you are not doing the challenge yet, what are you waiting for? Join the SMILE server below, choose an edition of the challenge you want, and start posting! Just need to use the #bloggingchallenge tag.

--> Check our curation trail <--

All the illustrations are created by @tripode with Adobe Illustrator. Images taken from the authors posts.