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RE: Macaroni Cheese (cheat version)

This looks delicious!!
Plus I Love the way you describe the recipe, very natural and chill :P

While the milk is busy doing its thing

A secret: I also never had real Mac and cheese! and I always wanted so your recipe gets me inspired to try :)


Hiya! Thanks for the kind words. Yeah... I'm trying to create a relaxed way of narrating my cooking. Being in the kitchen is therapeutic for me... I love playing around with flavours. This mac-n-cheese is really easy to make. The bechamel is normally the tricky part. That's why I avoided it completely...🤣 I hope that you give it a try soon. Let me know how it goes.☺️

Yeeey! It is therapeutic to me too… it has been helping me these days with the change from summer to autumn to calm down and reconnect with the basics.
I will let you know when I make it yeah :)