
Definitely, I am going to read it now...
This is a chart of how humans behave.

This book tells how to use it:

It is a serious subject with many helpful tips on how observing specific behaviors from people will also let you know to be on the lookout for certain other behaviors that are also likely to occur.

People high on the tone scale are more likely to be pleasant to be around.
There are specific things you can do to alter these behaviors in others, but you have to deduce them for yourself in each specific situation and apply the proper responses.

Becoming proficient with the chart will take several months, if not years, but the sooner you learn the things to look for, the sooner you can apply the proper remedial steps to end this type of behavior towards you.

Interesting, I never thought about this like that. Gonna read this article tonight...


I came across this and thought you might have an easier time with video rather than text.

I should warn you that any people directly connected to the church, 'on staff', are under great pressure to produce revenue.
They will drain you dry if you don't figure out the answers for yourself before they do.
Spend money wisely and with no regrets.