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RE: Confessions of a Breastfeeding Mother

in Motherhood3 years ago

🙋 I totally understand what you are going through. I am impressed to know that you have five children 😳 I congratulate you. Children are the engine that drives us to be better people, to fight and teach by example to be their best teachers.

Here in Venezuela in addition to specialized medical care, we future mothers count on the wise advice of grandmothers 😃 they are the most knowledgeable about these issues, especially those in the villages who have had to feed their children only with breast milk due to the difficulties in finding formula milk. For this important reason, they prepare future laboring mothers so that their breasts generate or produce healthy milk. Taking care of their feeding and drinking fresh water and other preparations that they know.

You should not feel guilty for not being able to breastfeed. I know how you feel because it happened to me with my first child. Even though I was willing to endure the pain of attaching him to my breast, two things happened: he would get desperate and pull away, he would get gassy and cry a lot. On the other hand, in his attempt to get the milk, he would tear my nipple all to pieces, and I would constantly have to disinfect it and try again. I always ended up giving him formula so I didn't want to put him through any more pain and I rested too. The formula did him good, thank goodness.

With my second child it was different. For months I consumed a lot of oatmeal water. They say it is the best for producing milk. Before I gave birth I already had milk to export 😁 my breasts ached and my baby was born with a great life. Mind you, both my nipples peeled, leaked blood, swelled and hurt like hell. But my baby sucked and sucked.

I loved those moments. I didn't experience them with my first, yet they both grew up to be healthy children.

I am sure that with your attention, that of the specialists and the compliance of the medication, in case the one that requires them, your baby will recover and you will see her totally healthy. You see, it is not necessarily the fault of breastfeeding or not. Other factors may have been involved.

Remember that all your energy must be positive so that you can transmit it to your baby. We mothers are the pillar of the family. For what it's worth I will include your baby's health in my prayers. My granddaughter Sofia is also three years old, maybe a contemporary of your daughter. A big hug, encouragement and lots of faith.🙏


Thank you, they keep me busy always.

It's wonderful hearing about the teaching and preparations done for mothers there.

You and I went through the very same things. You know of that pain, it's like nothing I've felt before. I remember saying during one of the episodes "I'd rather go through labor again than to feel like this."

I commend you for what you endured for your little one.

Thank you for that. I know there could be other factors but it’s hard not to put some of the blame on myself for not giving her what she needed a lot longer. I know I’ll get through this but right now while she is going through this challenging time I feel horrible about it. 😞

Thank you for your prayers ~


I hope you are feeling better.🤗

I am, thanks to sweet and thoughtful people like you ~ 😘😊