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RE: Nurturing Kindness: How Parents Can Teach Children to Forgive

in Motherhoodlast month

I do hope that, that little child will be corrected in time so that she might not have to live her life filled with resentment and anger for long, it is not a good way to live.

I used to have a sister like that, never forgiving those who wronged her, and it cost her a lot. But thank God she is a nicer person now.

Kids are like sponges, they scoop everything in their surroundings and it sticks to them. The poor child must have learned that from somewhere.


Not forgiving can cost one so much in an unpleasant way, so forgiving is the best. That kid is still young and can change if being taught the right thing. Of course, she has learnt that act somewhere and parents should try to observe these kids so as to bring them back to the right path. Although, some parents are bad at observation even when kids are always with them.

Although, some parents are bad at observation even when kids are always with them.

Sad, but very true and common.

I just know you are going to make a great mom someday, your parenting knowledge and instinct are inspiring.🥰😍