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RE: Importancia de la recreación en niños | Importance of children's recreation 👧🏻

in Motherhoodlast year

Most children use technology, whether in tablets, computers, cell phones, etc, that is also good, it is part of their generation, but it is true that everything in excess is bad, we must teach them that everything should be used in moderation and spend time on other recreational activities, my daughters do not like sports, but if they like artistic activities such as drawing, painting, singing, etc, all that is good for their education.

 last year  

I also use it with my oldest daughter Alys who is only 4 years old to watch YouTube Kids but on occasional occasions until she grows up and I can teach her well the good and bad of technology. My youngest is not interested yet. If everything in excess is bad, that's why we must provide them with the tools for its correct use. My daughters really like to run around and be in contact with the external environment. It's good that your daughters like art, that means they are developing a visual-spatial intelligence.