Thanks for the answer, which fixes my thoughts for the B12 thingie, even if it is now irrelevant ;)
For the rest, I was imagining such an answer, as those studies are hard to achieve globally. Thanks for the link anyways. It covers at the end 24 years worldwide, which is not that bad, and provides results sufficient to get an idea even if the error bars are large.
It was a pleasure to do that for my Prof! :)
Even in vegeterian, due to less vit b12, anemia occurs so called megaloblastic anemia. This anemia can also be seen in patient with less vit b9 so called folic acid deficiency. First make sure it’s vit b12 or b9 deficiency because treating people with folic acid in case of vit12 deficient can worsen the neurological symptoms more of the patient.
P.S. Both are used in DNA synthesis .
Thanks for those specifications! Please note that I am by no mean in medicine, so that I am a complete newbie with this respect. I have just read a few things here and there ;)