in Motherhood2 months ago

What does your kid think about himself or herself?
Do you know it?
Is your kid sincere enough with you? And what is not less important - does he really sincere with himself and can evaluate himself in a right way?

These questions are essential for any parents because we, adults, all know how GREAT role self-esteem plays in our life.
We can get many oppirtunitiies thanks to it or lose them because of it.

it can be both our assistant and enemy.

I remember how unconfident I was in my childhood. In many situations I was right, but I was afraid to say my opinion...
I lost many chances to be the winner because of this fear and uncondifence.
Later only after 18 I became more confident, and I had a chance to compare the quality of my life Before and After.

Now I try to pay attention to my son's self-esteem and confidence. I see that he is much like me in my childhood, so I try to correct it and give him great belief in himself.

yesterday I tried to examine what he thought about himself.
Direct question not always can lead to the true reply because kids can be too shy or closed.

Game form helps them to be sincere because they don't take it as psychological test.

So I painted some upstairs called Intelligence, Beauty, Courage, Communication and asked Vladislav to paint himself anywhere on these upstairs, choosing any position from 1 to 10.

It was fun for himself, something new and cool, and he was glad to do it.

That's what we have

And I should say some moments surprised me.

Courage - 4 points
I am glad he understands that he is not super brave and in many situations he won't go ahead with courage, he'll prefer to wait. I know it, and I am glad he knows it.
he doesn't think he is a super hero if he is not. False opinion about our own abilities don't work for better.

*What goes to Communication - 10 points - * he chooses a great position and it's the truth as well. He really is very communicative and open. Though he didn't visit a kindergartens and schools - Hello, socialization:)) and those who think unschooling kids are sociopaths;)

I was surprised he doesn't think he is nice, though he is! He chose 6 points

I think it's the question of how we look for ourselves. When he looks at his own photos or videos he doesn't like himself much. But so do I:)) And I think it touches many people;)

Intelligence - 8 points is great, he knows he is rather clever, we say it to him every day.
When his Dad saw 8 points, he said: "No, son, you're 10 points clever!", and Vlad started to draw a new boy on the 10th position.
Then I explained that it was Dad's opinion but you had to have your own one, and he deleted him and stayed at the 8 position;)

So I thank this test that lets me see my son's opinion about himself.

I think all Moms can use it to understand more about their kids inner feelings.


I am not a parent yet, but this method seems very effective. Often people neglect the self esteem of their child which is very important in all terms.

I am glad that you brought this up and also found a way to check it. Kudos to you for that. Have a great day ahead and take care ❤️

thank you!

Children do better when given the maximum encouragement needed. Thanks for the effective method given

oh yeah, they need fun, and actually we all need it;)

That's such a wonderful method to understand his abilities without putting him directly on the line and making him feel embarrassed. You are right my dear, it's important for us to understand them well. Same like you as a child I was very introvert and always scared and low on confidence. Today's generation is different and we need to get them ready to face the world independently with confidence when they grow up

yeah, confidence means so much for good quality of life and for success
the main is to find ways that will win his inner natural unconfidence that was transferred from his parents;(

I wanna try this to my 5 y.old gal. This is a very great method! Thank you so much for sharing this! At least, us parents will have a starting point on what to do in order to help our child.

share your results! I'll be glad if you get useful info!

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This is simple and looks quite effective. I will give it a try with my son when he grows older to understand this.

I love how your child remained in the original position despite the dad's opinion after you commented on the dad's opinion.

You're a great mom. Thanks for sharing this.