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RE: Everyone Has the Power to Control Their Emotions

Why is it when all the stars align, and life seems too good to be true, it usually ends up being too good to be true? Disaster usually follows in huge bursts, right when things start to get good. I realized recently it's better to just let life happen and laugh off the constant mayhem because it is out of our control. If something makes me forced to be extremely late for work, It’s not my fault, so why should I feel bad? If I lose my job as a result, oh well shit happens and I just have to jump back on the saddle and keep trucking.

Hell yeah THSTS THE SPIRIT rule life dont let life rule you. It good to see that the positive vibes are back


Had a pretty horrible day, but nothing a few bags of popcorn, coffee and a ton of cigarettes can't fix. Faced with homelessness and life in shambles, but I can still look at the positives, and realize it will all pass soon enough. Long story short, I still am testing positive for marijuana, and have not used since 2/26/22. They wanted to kick me out because I could not come up with 50$ in 1 day, but I called my folks and it will all be worked out tommorow.

There is always a solution, good or bad , life will move on and you got to face it day by day. Nobody said it would be easy. And like Wes always says tomorrow is the goal