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RE: What Should I Write About Today? - Asks The Newbie

I remember the day you came to my rescue when I put this post up 3 months ago complaining about how I was struggling to figure out what to write on everyday. The advice you gave me helped a lot. I was approaching it all wrong and you and @cmplxty helped me see that.

Posts really come from inspirations from our surroundings, everything going on around us is unique to us, and is something you can write about if you can construct the sentences. If there’s nothing inspiring to write about, then it’s a free day. No need to force it, or it’ll start feeling like a job.

Trust me, no one wants to read something that is already all over the internet.

Precisely. What good will your post be if there are over thousands of results of the topic you’re writing on already on google. It’s literally just a search away.


Reading your comment I was thinking of how far you've come. I still remember the post where we "met". I remember I was thinking if I should reply to you or not, but it wasn't this post, it was before this one, in which you asked about your username. In most of the cases newbies don't want to hear what it is said to them, unless it's what they want to hear. So if you want to save yourself of some headache, you stay out of posts like that, but I said be it, I'm going to reply and let's hope he listens. And you have listened.

The it turns out I have given you some advice later, as you said here.

There are so many ways you can do wrong on Hive, although, the straight road is the easiest. I'm glad that you've listened to what has been told to you as you can see the results.

I’m glad you didn’t scroll past me that day. I probably wouldn’t still be here if you did, and I would’ve been behind because I would’ve missed out on a lot of guidance you offered me since we “met”.

Well, I guess you're lucky, without any exaggeration, but I also think you're different as otherwise you would have followed the path others usually follow.

Glad that I helped inspire you in a way to write freely! I guess I haven’t thought about it in that way but I agree and enjoy doing it that way! Give my perspective not regurgitate crap on the internet.

You’ve done more than inspire me to write freely, man. I appreciate you.

Anyways, I thought bringing the “`” before and after the @ next to your username would mask the mention. Clearly I was wrong.😅

No worries about the tag man I don’t mind!