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RE: REVIEW: Don't Breathe 2 (2021): Does what is says

Awesome writeup and fantastic contribution to the challenge!

The first one was always on my radar and the sequel looks like a lot of fun too. I think you just lit a fire under me because I just ordered them both lol. Don't Breath 2 is on pre-order till the 26th though so I have to suck it up and stream it if I get impatient.

Revenge films are usually a lot of fun and come with a certain degree of "trash" to them lol. I can look past our protagonist being a POS but I'm curious if they paint him in a good light? I'd love to see how they pulled that one off if that's what they were going for hah.

Keep up the fun reviews!



You'll have some fun doubt and I'm so with you on the trash/sleeze in these revenge films. I think the first one does a better job being trashy and you'll be like wtf in some scenes.

They really need to get the physical copies out before the streaming options these days. I don't understand the logic here.

Thanks for stopping by with the nice comment and all this pizza.