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RE: Pretty Woman | Movie Review

in Movies & TV Shows4 months ago

Hi @josehany I just watched this movie too. Julia Roberts is one of my favorite actresses. Among the reasons why I like her is that she is a modest actress and (in this movie, she may have undressed only for artistic purposes, but this is not very advanced), like many actresses, she did not consider it necessary and essential to undress and came to the forefront mostly with her acting. I liked the movie a lot, it's mainly about different aspects of Richard Gere's life and how each character represents an aspect of the lead character. Finally, the protagonist chooses the aspect of love and ends the movie with love by saying that love wins in the end and that is what makes people happy, as Tolstoy wants to tell in the book What Man Lives By. 😇😇


What!!! I'm impressed with you, well said and you remembered everything very well !

Thank you.. I like watch cinema movies and I like to follow people in the field of cinema. I also follow cinema from an artistic point of view.