Behind the mask : the rise of Leslie Vernon (2006) movie review / Critique du film (FR / EN)

** version en francais plus bas**


It is an American slasher type horror film which was released in 2006.

In summary, imagine that Freddy and Jason Vorhees exist and that a journalist shoots a report on the next great psychopathic killer.

There are cameos of the actors playing Freddy and Jason in the movie. It is a very original film with a slight touch of humor.

I give it an 8 out of 10.


C'est un film d’horreur américain du type slasheur qui est sortie en 2006.

En résumé, imaginez-vous que Freddy et Jason Vorhees on exister et qu’un journaliste tourne un reportage sur le prochain grand tueur psychopathe.

Il y a des cameos des acteurs jouant Freddy et Jason dans le film. C’est un film très original avec une légère touche d’humour.

Je lui donne la note de 8 sur 10.


I think I got to hear a lot about this movie at the time, I would like to see that dispute between the two characters, thanks for your recommendation.

Hey I was expecting something longer, but this convinced me to watch it :D

Although I'm not a big fan of horror movies, sometimes if they have some comedy in them, they can be very enjoyable.