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RE: SERIES REVIEW: ARCHIVE 81 || What's so special about the tapes? [ENG-ESP]

in Movies & TV Shows β€’ 2 years ago (edited)

It all sounds enthralling and I'm not movie fan but I'd check it out if I had the chance. And you give a beautiful review. Mehn! Maybe you should be in a magazine feature πŸ˜‚

I came in through Dreemport

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Archive 81 may actually be some kind of controversial series. There is a fine split between those that love it and hate it. I do hope that you get to see it and decide for yourself which it is for you.

Mehn! Maybe you should be in a magazine feature πŸ˜‚


It makes me feel even more encouraged to know that you think my review to be beautiful. I try to put my best into delivering it.

Thank you for this amazing comment.
