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RE: Una comedia que muestra la cruda realidad LA FAMILIA TIENE UN PRECIO//A comedy that shows the harsh reality. FAMILY HAS A PRICE

Happy morning.

Right from the start, you got me with this part.

As parents, what would you be willing to do to always keep your children close, although in recent years I have found that this is something that affects mothers more than fathers.

In my family both mommy and daddy are very attached to our son since he was born, it's been 13 years, and we are still like the first day of his life, it is rare the times he has been away from us.

When it is his turn to make his own life I know it will be hard for me, I am so used to him, I know I will miss him a lot, but always remember that it will be his turn to live his own life.

I will watch this movie today, I was attracted to the theme you described.

I was waiting for what you did ha, ha, ha, ha, but I understand that here is not to make spoilers and that's the best, you tell your lived experiences with movies and series, but without giving away so much so the rest of us are encouraged to live our own experience enjoying good recommendations.

Thanks for sharing. ✈️🎬🎞️


Si, lo describí asi porque es lo que he visto durante años a mis tías, primas, conocidas y hasta a mi mamá hacer, en cambio a los padres ha sido algo que no les ha afectado tanto como a la madres, la generación nueva de padres es un poco diferente a la de hace 40 años, que aun sufren cuando los hijos se van de casa.

Y yo siempre me dije, cuando sea mamá no hare lo mismo, porque al final del día los hijos son de la vida no de los padres, ellos deben hacer su camino, lo importante es educarlos y prepararlos bien para la vida.

Y si efectivamente no quise hacer spoiler para no arruinarles la trama y que pudieran disfrutarla a gusto descubriendo las sorpresas de los padres, te aseguro que te reirás, muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer y dejarme tu opinión en los comentarios, saludos-