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RE: Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Review ( I am THORmatized lol) | ENG/ESP

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

Hey Sam!!!🙃🤗

I'm doing okay and everything is okay. I started this course a while ago, that and other offline activities have kept me away from my beloved hive. I'm not done with it though so I can't promise I'll resume hiving fully at the moment. I hope I get a breather from the course so I can hive or I'll just figure out a way to efficiently do both at the same time.
I've missed a lot of things in my absence, the dreem-wotw included. I hope it went great, I trust that the dreemers came through with great posts as always.

How have you been?? How are the boys? Y'all are doing great I hope🙃

I'll be sure to let you know when I resume posting again.
I totally appreciate your visit and !LUV you for it (hopefully it works lol)

Thanks a lottt Sam❤️