WHO IS TO BLAME?; Acrimony

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Hii guys so yeah this is my first writing post🎉🎉🎊🎊👏🏿👏🏿..so this is actually a movie review..the name of the movie is "ACRIMONY" I honestly respect the producers and actor and actresses, practically everyone involved in the movie making cause I won't lie they sure did put alot of work into this movie


You might be wondering WHAT MADE ME WATCH THIS MOVIE; Well here it goes,so one fateful evening I overheard my cousins arguing about who was at fault blah blah..at that point I was so lost that I had to ask "what are you all arguing about?" like fill me in too..that was when they mentioned ACRIMONY. My cousins summarised the movie to me which helped me understand the buzz about the movie. Although I couldn't join in the argument, I was compelled to watch the movie so I could join the discussion and state my own opinion. Luckily for me, my cousin had the movie on her laptop so I didn't hesitate to go watch it.

With that being said, I'll like to give you a glimpse of the movie for those of you that haven't watched it yet and for those of you that have watched it, you're free to argue or should I say discuss about who think was at fault for what happened in the movie...so let's go for those that haven't watched the movie put on your seatbelts as we go on this very short journey of acrimony..
ok so here we go.

Melinda ,a beautiful smart young lady met a guy named Robert,it didn't take Melinda too much time to fall in love with Robert as he was a charming smart young man who promised her forever.



They started dating and eventually got married despite the challenges,Melinda stayed strong for Robert whenever he needed her to be and so on.



Things were going good and all until Melinda suspected Robert of cheating on her.



As her suspicion grew worse Melinda decided to file a divorce ,Robert at first didn't buy the idea but after Melinda's perseverance Robert agreed to it.



Not long after their divorce Melinda found out Robert was engaged with another woman, this made her angry and furious, not only did Robert engage this woman he got her most of the things Melinda wanted and this just made Melinda more furious and do things she wouldn't have done in her right senses ,as she thought Robert's new fiance was now living her life.




NB: I didn't give a detailed description as I don't want to spoil the movie for you, so go watch the movie .then you are welcome to join in the discussion in my comment section...I love you guys and can't wait to hear who you think is as fault in the movie Acrimony ,as for me I don't know honestly 😩 ..thank you guys and do have a great dayyy🎊❤️


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I don't know why I have this great conviction that it was Robert's fault, cause she wouldn't have reacted the way she did if he had made her trust him. And he moved on too fast, which only made her suspicions correct. I don't know if you get what I'm saying?

Lol I get your point, but Robert didn’t force her into trusting him. Sure, he played her into getting his hands on her inheritance, but I believe in some twisted way that Robert really loved her. She just didn’t have the patience to wait for him to make it. How do you invest so much into a person and still give up so close to the pinnacle of their great years? Melinda lacked patience and forgive me to say “was just acting like a mad vindictive bitch as the end”.

Yes you invested in him. But also yes that you left him and cursed him out at the end. It’s not his fault you decided to listen to your sisters and dump the man you say you “loved”. If Robert didn’t make it big, that would’ve been the end. So should we call Melinda a gold digger of some sort because of that?

I also do get your point but thinking about it why did Robert have to buy the specific things she wanted for his new fiance cause you can't tell me the new fiance and Melinda wanted the exact same things that probably triggered her

Lol he made plans with Melinda, they didn’t work out. And now he’s simply carrying out his plans but with a different woman. You can’t have expected he doesn’t do anything he planned to do with Melinda with any other woman. In that case, he probably wouldn’t even have kids, or buy the house he wants, or his dream car, because they’re all probably things he discussed with her.

Look I get it, she was mad Robert gave her life to someone else after she clearly put in more work than the other lady did. But he didn’t plan to do that, as Melinda was the one that put him out. Melinda clearly had a psychotic obsession problem with the soon-to-be-wed couple. Things didn’t work out between you two, and it was mainly because you couldn’t out up with his “bs” anymore so just accept that he’s living the dream life without you and just move on.

I agree but it's not as easy as it seems and the fact that it was not just another woman but the same woman she suspected of him of having an affair with and also the same woman he had an affair with earlier that made her angry and did something that made her damage her ovaries which meant she couldn't give birth again .....but sha I would say lack of trust was what killed the relationship and eventually killed her

I agree she also had a fault but, he did some things that actually triggered her. Sure she was not patient but he was too fast in his moving on.

Lol how soon do you consider moving on fast?

It depends on the cause of the break up. And If you really loved me like you claimed you did, you won't find it so easy to move on.

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