The Movies & TV Shows Community Podcast: Episode 6

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago (edited)

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Hello! Welcome to the sixth episode of the Movies & TV Shows Community podcast. Winding down from Halloween, our hosts switch from scares to laughs as they discuss the comedy genre.

As always, we hope you enjoy the episode.

Do you want to contribute to the Movies & TV Shows Community Podcast? We're always looking for community members to showcase and have participate in our episodes. Our aim is to showcase more of you, and to get to know you better, leading to more outreach, engagement, and ultimately better manual curation within the community.

In addition, we're looking for contributors that speak either English or Spanish. By contributing, you'll be given a portion of the episode's rewards. Drop by our Discord and contact one of the Moderators.

The Movies & TV Shows Community Podcast is also uploaded to Odysee/LBRY at a later date. Follow us over there if that's more your thing.

Alternatively, if you enjoy what we do here on @moviesonhive, feel free to drop us a small delegation. This helps us continue to curate your content and keep growing the Movies & TV Shows Community!

Special thanks to the following contributors of this episode:

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Acabo de escucharlo completicooo. La verdad que se me hace cada día más costumbre estar escuchando sus ya familiares voces. La comedia me gusta mucho sin embargo no es mi genero favorito. Excelente el repertorio que presentaron. La Mascara y todo lo que tenga que ver con Jim Carrey lo adoro. Esperamos la próxima entrada.

Gracias por comentar Jon Snow , repasamos solo algunas, la que el tiempo nos dejo nombrar, porque era un tema para pasar horas recordando y hablando de tantas películas de comedias. Actualmente veo poco del genero porque no encuentro propuestas nuevas que sean provocadoras y de mucho humor negro.

Jim Carrey es un Crack !!! Gracias por el apoyo !!

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