
Thought it was a bit too long but overall it is a visual masterpiece. Many people are already saying it is one of the best sci-fi movies ever made. I watched it a few nights ago and enjoyed it but I think I would have liked it more if they had eliminated around a half hour of it.

I very much agree with the assessment that the film is long, I personally think that the first hour could be summarized, but I guess Villeneuve needed to develop the bond between Paul and the Fremen.

Despite that, I liked it a lot, although I wouldn't call it the best sci-fi movie of the last 10 years, actually I don't know, I'm a bit wrong to give that kind of nominations and that's why it's easier for me to say that it's one of the best I've seen this year.

la tengo en cola, espero verla este fin de semana. la primera película me costo que me gustara incluso tuve que parar y terminar de verla luego. Creo que me volveré a ver la primera porque me voy a perder a inicio de esta.

Después de ver esta segunda parte pensé en tomar cierto tiempo y ver las dos en continuidad, eso hará mejor la historia.

Mi consejo JC es que practiques lo mismo de ver una parte primero y después la otra, me refiero a la primera hora de este nuevo film y después la termines, eso es porque de verdad es lenta lo primero, pero después el ritmo es rápido, mejor de lo que se vio en la primera película.

It's been some time since I liked a movie this much although it did feel like forever, everything about it is so good from visual to visual, drama, I'm planning on watching part 1 and 2 tonight, gonna be a long night 😅

Yes it will be long although I plan to do that too, I'm going to wait for the MAX premiere next week to see both films and I'm sure the experience will be much better.

This film is wonderful, generally the sequels are not usually as good as the first ones, but in this case both the first and second films are great, dune is among the top 5 films of 2024 and it will certainly not leave this position, perhaps for the next few years

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It's excellent, especially its last two acts which drives the viewer to want more, I think that's a very positive element that Villeneuve did in the two Dune films.

I very much agree that it is one of the best of the year, as well as one of the best sequels I have seen.

This is one of my favorite features "watching something and wanting more" even though the story has an end and everything is explained, it's really good to watch something like this