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RE: Little Shop of Horrors New Remake in the Works

in Movies & TV Shows2 months ago

Now, if they announce they are remaking Revenge of the Nerds, I can wholeheartedly say, "good luck with that"

This is a bad idea. People have become far too sensitive in modern times for something like that to be a good idea.

As far as remakes are concerned, I would like to see studios not remake blockbuster films but instead remake films that could have been great if they had more money/technology at the time. There are a ton of movies that could have been great in the 80's but the technology just wasn't really there for it to be as realistic as it could be today. "The Last Starfighter" is something I would fully support as a remake, for example.


I am right there with you on remaking movies that failed for whatever reason, money, star power, marketing, whatever.

I read somewhere over the years more than once that the rights to the The Last Starfighter were in legal hell. I figure that is the case with many of the movies of the 80's and 70's - contracts were loose and fast back then.

Look at gaming for instance, a musician apparently put a stop to Capcom using the name Ghosts 'n Goblins when they relaunched the franchise on PlayStation 2. A technicality would not let them use the name so they had to go with another name and launch the game while legal worked out payment with the former employee. This happens a lot and keeps a ton of 80's games from getting remade - I figure the same probably applies to movies from that time.

Here's the latest I could find about how we are very close to getting a remake of Last Starfighter.