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RE: Strong Girl Nam-Soon (2023) || Sub-Par At Best?

in Movies & TV Shows29 days ago

This Strong girl Nam-soon movie, I remember getting to an episode and slept off while watching it. The movie was just giving 'Lets do something related to Strong woman Do bong Soon but we'll give her more powers than that of Bong Bong'. I just did not enjoy the movie. Probably because the Nam-soon was overdoing things or the way they made her seem almighty.
As you said, it's only the villain in the series that stuck out to me. That her uncle, what was the director thinking when he started making Nam-soon's mum's assistant act kind towards him and him starting to ask her out? Anyways, I appreciate the special appearance of Bong Soon and Min-min.


Do you gettt??
Giving her all those powerful vision, super speed and all of that was very unnecessary.

Even Nam Soon's mum's male assistant and Bread Song's secretary now acting weird towards each other was also unneeded.

Instead of that sequel they want to do, I'd rather watch Do Bong Soon again.