We might just make it || Cast Away(2000) || Movie Review


Cast Away (2000)
Genre: Drama, Adventure

Many of you may have seen the movie long ago. It is insane to think that no one has seen such a high quality movie released 22 years ago. Still writing, thinking of those who haven't seen it yet.

The word castaway means outcast. The story can be guessed from the name. Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) is the victim of a plane crash on an uninhabitable island in the Pacific Ocean. He is an engineer by profession. Worked on a courier service called Federal Express. That wheel is stuck on an island surrounded by the sea. What happened in the end? Was Chuck Noland able to come back? Or did he become mad at the loneliness of being stuck on the island? What would it be like for a man to take everything away from himself? What will he have?
Watch the movie. Hope you like it.

Not to mention Tom Hanks. He has gained weight in need of movies. Reduced in time. He has been wearing a beard for a year. He captured every sign of a man trapped on an island for four years.

This is probably the best movie by director Robert Jemekis. Or he has a better movie. I don't know. All I can say is that he will live a long time in the minds of movie lovers just for this movie.

It would be unfair not to talk about the background music of the movie. The music director will be able to make the sound of the continuous current of the sea silent.

I will end with a wonderful dialogue of the cinematographer. This one minute dialogue has changed my outlook a lot. Survival is a joy - even if you understand that, this Blue Whale generation movie should be seen.

Happy watching

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