in Movies & TV Shows3 months ago

The first trailer for Karate Kid Legends, the new film in the Karate Kid saga, has just been released. The trailer showed us many interesting details, but...

What do we know about the story and how does this connect to the Cobra Kai series?

These are questions that I am going to answer today in an analysis of the trailer. I will tell you everything about the film and how it would connect to Cobra Kai.

So we started

So the trailer begins by introducing us to Lee Funk, a young man who already has experience in martial arts and is a student of Mr. Han. This is the character that Yi Chan played in the 2010 movie with Jiden Smith. Once again, the saga will tell us the story of a teenager being trained by an elderly master. However, there is an important difference. This time, Lee Funk is already a martial arts expert. In previous movies, the protagonists like Daniel Laruso or Dre Parker were complete novices. Le Fong, on the other hand, already has training. The trailer shows us that Mr. Han has his own karate doyo. We even see several students doing a well-known movement. They do the training of putting on and taking off their jackets constantly. This training was used by Mr. Han with Dre Parker in the 2010 Karate Kid movie.

This confirms that the new movie connects with the story of Jiden Smith. It is also very interesting that Mr. Han has his own academy because this tells us that his life improved after his adventure with Dre Parker. Let us remember that in that movie, he was a man disappointed with life who worked as a janitor, but thanks to Dre Parker, he was able to do it. He regained the courage to live and as we can see now he is a respected teacher with many students.

Finally we have the epic return of Daniel Laruso Mr. Han says that he is not looking for Miyagi but that he needs him according to the official synopsis the new film will tell us how Mr. Han and Daniel Aruso will train Lee Funk and together they will search for the ultimate combat style karate fused with Kung Fu. So in this story The young man will have two teachers another curious detail in this

Cobra Kai with this context for me it is quite certain that we will not have characters like Johnny Lawrence starring in the film but I do believe that at least they will make cameos in this way Johnny Lawrence could appear to please Cobra Kai fans but without complicating the new film as for the students of the series I do not believe that they will appear but if one of them made a cameo it would surely be Miguel But why Miguel and not another character Well because Miguel is played by sholo maridueña and he is an actor who is just now taking off in his career last year he starred in Blue be and his face is already somewhat popular if in Karate Kid Legends they wanted to include a Cobra Kai student Miguel would be the one

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